Bar Exam Toolbox Podcast Episode 138: Listen and Learn -- Hearsay Exceptions: Prior Testimony and Past Recollection Recorded
Law School Toolbox Podcast Episode 296: Listen and Learn -- Hearsay Exceptions: Government and Business Records
If you’re an attorney, a paralegal, an investigator, a law enforcement officer, or even if you just watch a lot of legal dramas on television, you’re likely familiar with the term “chain of custody”....more
Vermont Supreme Court offers guidance on admissibility of social media content - By now it is not particularly controversial that a litigant’s social media content is discoverable. See, e.g., Lewis v. Bellows Falls...more
Are you among the 68% of U.S. adults who, according to the Pew Research Center, use Facebook? Social media can do more harm than good, especially if you are involved in a legal dispute, family-related or otherwise. Posts on...more
Ready, set, GO! When litigation is threatened, a critical time period begins. You may only have a matter of days to investigate your opponent or your dispute on social media before savvy parties or witnesses change their...more
As social media platforms and apps such as Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, and YouTube become increasingly enmeshed in the fabric of our lives, the unintended consequences of their use cannot be overstated. ...more
The explosion and influence of social media over the past decade cannot be overstated. As social media becomes more enmeshed in the fabric of our society, it has also become more prevalent as a potential source of evidence in...more
Two recent decisions in Pennsylvania have contributed to the ever-growing body of law covering social media in litigation, providing new guidance to litigants and attorneys on the discoverability, admissibility and relevance...more
Steps Michigan car accident lawyers can take to stop insurance company ‘fishing expeditions’ into the Facebook personal page of clients to harass and intimidate; don’t let your client be made a victim twice - Car accident...more
Sadly, insurance company adjusters and defense lawyers are constantly searching for — and ready to pounce on — certain common mistakes that many unsuspecting and well-intentioned car crash victims make....more
A ski trip with your fiancé results in a great photo of the two of you on a ski covered mountain; obviously, the picture is destined for your Facebook page. This picture may be used for more than to show off your good time...more
Judge Richard J. Walsh began his opinion in Largent v. Reed with the following question: “What if the people in your life want to use your Facebook posts against you in a civil lawsuit?” With the explosive growth of social...more
On Jan. 7, 2015, in Nucci v. Target Corp., et al, the District Court of Appeal of the State of Florida, Fourth District, upheld a lower court’s order compelling plaintiff Maria Nucci to produce photographs originally posted...more