Consumer Finance Monitor Podcast Episode: Navigating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Proposed Personal Financial Data Rule
CFPB Advisory Opinion on Time-barred Debt Collection - The Consumer Finance Podcast
Convenience Fees: Why You Need to Pay Attention? - Payments Pros: The Payments Law Podcast
Convenience Fees: Why You Need to Pay Attention? - The Crypto Exchange Podcast
CFPB Advisory Opinion on Name-Only Matching Under FCRA - The Consumer Finance Podcast
FCPA Compliance and Ethics Report-Episode 121-FCPA Year in Review, Part II
Welcome to the Fall 2024 issue of “FCA Enforcement & Compliance Digest,” our quarterly newsletter in which we compile essential updates on False Claims Act (FCA) enforcement trends, litigation, agency guidance, and compliance...more
Consideration of ethical and professional issues raised by Florida attorneys use of AI, including the following: - Florida Bar Ethics Opinion 24-1 (01/19/24). (Copy to be provided for download.) Overview of the opinion...more
The Florida State Bar recently adopted an advisory opinion meant to provide attorneys with guidance on how to use generative artificial intelligence (“GenAI”) without running afoul of ethics rules. In doing so, Florida...more
Florida State Bar Standing Committee on the Unlicensed Practice of Law Advisory Opinion #2019-4 (August 17, 2020) - Brief Summary - The Florida State Bar Standing Committee on the Unlicensed Practice of Law (Committee)...more