Consumer Finance Monitor Podcast Episode: Navigating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Proposed Personal Financial Data Rule
CFPB Advisory Opinion on Time-barred Debt Collection - The Consumer Finance Podcast
Convenience Fees: Why You Need to Pay Attention? - Payments Pros: The Payments Law Podcast
Convenience Fees: Why You Need to Pay Attention? - The Crypto Exchange Podcast
CFPB Advisory Opinion on Name-Only Matching Under FCRA - The Consumer Finance Podcast
FCPA Compliance and Ethics Report-Episode 121-FCPA Year in Review, Part II
The rule imposes substantial new diligence, reporting, cybersecurity, and auditing obligations on companies. On December 27, 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) issued a final rule implementing Executive Order...more
A flurry of recent advisory opinions from the Department of Justice’s FARA unit raise new questions about how the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) might apply to the nonprofit community. Adding to the uncertainty, these...more