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Alternative Minimum Tax Tax Code Carbon Emissions

The Alternative Minimum Tax is an aspect of the United States federal tax code that seeks to capture a minimum level of revenue from all taxpayers and to ensure that some earners are not escaping tax liability... more +
The Alternative Minimum Tax is an aspect of the United States federal tax code that seeks to capture a minimum level of revenue from all taxpayers and to ensure that some earners are not escaping tax liability through certain tax breaks or deductions.  Liability under the AMT is calculated by adding certain deductions back into an individual's adjusted gross income, subtracting the AMT exemption and then, paying a percentage of the remaining figure. less -
Vinson & Elkins LLP

New Climate Law Overhauls US Tax Code With Benefits, Flexibility

Vinson & Elkins LLP on

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) represents one of the most sweeping pieces of climate policy legislation ever enacted in the United States. While the final impact of the IRA remains to be seen, we expect there will...more

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