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Anti-Discrimination Policies Employee Misconduct

Fisher Phillips

New Year, New Goals: Why You’ll Want to Add Workplace Investigation Training to Your 2025 Resolution List

Fisher Phillips on

Before the ink dries on your professional New Year’s resolutions, you may want to add “empower leaders with investigation training.” While most employers appreciate that complaints about potential workplace misconduct or...more

McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC

Don’t End Up on The Naughty List This Year: Reminders for Employers As We Enter Holiday Season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The season’s greetings provide us with time to gather and reflect on the accomplishments and triumphs of ourselves and our peers. With a season so festive and spirits so bright, let’s...more

Smith Gambrell Russell

‘Tis the Season for Celebration and the Annual Party Pooper’s Guide to the Holidays

Smith Gambrell Russell on

For employers, the holiday season often includes hosting annual parties, catering office luncheons, or distributing end-of-year gifts and bonuses. However, with these good tidings and cheers comes potential liabilities....more

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Employment Flash - June 2023

New York, Minnesota and NLRB Act To Limit Noncompetes - New York Legislature Passes Bill To Ban Post-Employment Noncompetes - On June 20, 2023, the New York state Legislature passed a bill that bans post-employment...more

Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC

Harassment Outside the Workplace: Can it Lead to Employer Liability?

While employers cannot police all employee conduct outside the workplace, employee interactions outside of work can – and do – impact the work environment. Indeed, under certain circumstances, inappropriate conduct by an...more

CDF Labor Law LLP

Investigating Employee Misconduct In The Age of “Cancel Culture”

CDF Labor Law LLP on

What is “cancel culture”? During the last few years, there has been a groundswell of cultural movements seeking to rectify transgressions against traditionally marginalized groups, including women, Black people, members of...more


Legislative Highlights for Oregon Employers in 2020

Littler on

Oregon’s active 2019 legislative session has prompted the need for several policy and handbook updates for employers doing business in Oregon.  This Insight provides an overview of the most notable recent employment law...more

Fisher Phillips

Who’s The Boss? How Managers Can Handle Gender Bias From Their Own Subordinates

Fisher Phillips on

As a manager, you’re trained to identify discrimination and harassment when you see it. You see it when a manager in another department isn’t being fair to subordinates of another race. You’re familiar with your obligations...more

Fisher Phillips

Workplace HR and Safety Lessons from Movies: “Untouchable”

Fisher Phillips on

The first full documentary on the fall of film mogul Harvey Weinstein premiered at this year's Sundance Film Festival, and it can provide employers with an important reminder about the need to rid workplaces of sexual...more

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