News & Analysis as of

Antitrust Division Competition Cartels

Morrison & Foerster LLP

Quarterly Cartel Catch-Up: Summer Surge Foreshadows Enforcement Intrigue

Despite the summer doldrums, cartel enforcers around the world had several notable enforcement actions and, perhaps more importantly, signaled a busy fall and winter. In the United States, the Department of Justice’s...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP

Q3 2024: Quarterly Cartel Catch-Up

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Despite the summer doldrums, cartel enforcers around the world had several notable enforcement actions and, perhaps more importantly, signaled a busy fall and winter. In the United States, the Department of Justice’s...more

A&O Shearman

Antitrust in focus March 2024

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This newsletter is a summary of the antitrust developments we think are most interesting to your business. Thomas Masterman, partner based in London, is our editor this month. He has selected: Out now: our latest global...more

A&O Shearman

Australia, Malaysia and Nigeria impose record antitrust fines

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Several antitrust authorities ended 2023 with a bang by imposing record fines. Resale price maintenance (RPM) and cartel conduct were particularly in the spotlight....more

Morrison & Foerster LLP

Sights and Sounds from the Antitrust Section’s 2023 Spring Meeting

Antitrust practitioners from around the world gathered in Washington, D.C. the week of March 27, 2023, for a series of industry meetings, centered around the American Bar Association Antitrust Law Section’s 71st Annual Spring...more

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

After Nearly Fifty Years of Dormancy, Criminal Monopolization Charges Have Returned

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​​​​​​​For nearly 50 years, the Antitrust Division of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has brought federal criminal charges only for allegations of illegal coordinated behavior among competitors in violation of...more

Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

EU Commission Investigates Cartel Breach in Fashion Sector - Katten Kattwalk | Issue 24

For once, it wasn't about Big Tech. The European Commission, the executive branch of the European Union, jolted the fashion sector to attention on May 17 with news of "unannounced inspections" at the premises of industry...more

A&O Shearman

Antitrust in focus - November 2021

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This newsletter is a summary of the antitrust developments we think are most interesting to your business. Hugh Hollman, partner currently based in Washington, D.C., is our editor this month (learn more about Hugh in our Q&A...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP

Quarterly Cartel Catch-Up: Recent Developments In Criminal Antitrust For Busy Corporate Counsel ‒ Summer 2021

More than halfway through the year, 2021 has shaped up to be another busy time for antitrust enforcers. In July, the Biden administration confirmed that antitrust remains a top priority by issuing a sweeping Executive Order,...more

The Volkov Law Group

DOJ’s Antitrust Division Targets Commercial Flooring Industry for Criminal Cartel Activity

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DOJ’s Antitrust Division is increasing criminal antitrust enforcement.  After two relatively slow years of criminal enforcement, the Antitrust Division’s criminal enforcement program is steadily increasing....more

McDermott Will & Emery

DOJ Set to Increase Scrutiny of Government Contractors with New Procurement Collusion Strike Force

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Government contractors should be aware that the Department of Justice (DOJ) is taking new steps to scrutinize public procurement. The DOJ Antitrust Division’s creation of the Procurement Collusion Strike Force (PCSF) means...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP

Quarterly Cartel Catch-Up: Recent Developments in Criminal Antitrust for Busy Corporate Counsel - Fall 2019

Below we summarize significant cartel enforcement developments from U.S. and other antitrust enforcers in recent months, including: the Department of Justice Antitrust Division’s (the “Division”) review of its International...more

A&O Shearman

Companies With Effective Antitrust Compliance Programs Could Get Relief From Criminal Prosecution Under New DOJ Policy

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The Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (Division) finally will consider the existence of effective antitrust compliance programs at the charging stage of criminal antitrust investigations, opening up the...more

Hogan Lovells

The Antitrust Division changes the calculus for cooperating cartelists

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Change is here. A few weeks ago, Makan Delrahim – Assistant Attorney General for the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (the Division or DOJ) – signaled a major change in how the Division will assess a...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP

Quarterly Cartel Catch-Up: Recent Developments in Criminal Antitrust for Busy Corporate Counsel - Winter 2019

We summarize below some of the most significant cartel enforcement developments from U.S. and other antitrust enforcers, including policy shifts, investigations, case filings, and court rulings. This report summarizes...more

The Volkov Law Group

Chief Compliance Officers Have to Address Criminal Antitrust Risks (Part I of II)

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We often read articles and blog postings about anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, export controls and sanctions compliance issues. The focus on these topics is justified. However, there is one glaring omission –...more

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