12 Days of Regulatory Insights: Day 11 – State AGs on the Antitrust Frontline — Regulatory Oversight Podcast
12 Days of Regulatory Insights: Day 8 - Inside the Texas AG's Office — Regulatory Oversight Podcast
12 Days of Regulatory Insights: Day 3 - State AG Oversight in the Health Care Industry — Regulatory Oversight Podcast
Episode 341 -- DOJ Charges Visa with Monopolization and Exclusionary Conduct in the Debit Card Market
Fierce Competition Podcast | Antitrust Challenges in Organized Sports: How They Play Out in the EU, UK and US
Podcast: Key Changes in Finalized Antitrust Merger Guidelines – Diagnosing Health Care
The Changing Landscape of State AG Antitrust Enforcement — Regulatory Oversight Podcast
Fierce Competition Podcast | Takeaways From the Illumina-Grail Merger Challenge Saga
#WorkforceWednesday: Bracket-Busting Trade Secret and Non-Compete Disputes in Sports - Employment Law This Week® - Spilling Secrets Podcast
State AGs File NIL Antitrust Lawsuits — Highway to NIL Podcast
Fierce Competition Podcast | Private Equity Under the Antitrust Microscope
JONES DAY TALKS® - Charting the Course: Antitrust's Past, Present, and Future in Labor Markets
State AG Pulse | America’s Pastime Unites AGs
What You Need to Know About the New FTC and DOJ HSR Changes
Fierce Competition Podcast | A Look at the Evolving Global Deal Landscape
A Significant Departure: Unpacking What the New Antitrust Guidelines Mean for Healthcare Providers
Podcast- The FTC's Mission: Competition and Antitrust
Cornerstone Research Connects: The CAT Judgment in Trucks
Consumer Finance Monitor Podcast Episode: A Close Look at the Impact of Antitrust Laws on the Consumer Financial Services Industry
State AG Pulse | The Broad Sweep of State AGs’ Antitrust Authority
Competition enforcers throughout the Americas focus their efforts to investigate and prosecute antitrust cartels: agreements between competitors to fix prices, rig bids, or allocate markets....more
With a couple of notable exceptions, cartel fines were lower in most jurisdictions in 2022 than in the prior year—and well below historical norms. Fines in the United States—long the leader in cartel enforcement—were lower...more
For nearly 50 years, the Antitrust Division of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has brought federal criminal charges only for allegations of illegal coordinated behavior among competitors in violation of...more
One of the recent amendments to the Competition Act has the potential to seriously chill price competition by leading Canadian businesses....more
Germany doesn’t offer claimants a true U.S. or UK style class action regime. Claimants will therefore seek alternative ways to join forces and bundle their claims using the so-called assignment-model as a favoured solution....more
The Antitrust Division’s Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter promised a new era in antitrust enforcement. He won bi-partisan support from both Republicans and Democrats. Across the antitrust field, he promised...more
The Justice Department’s Antitrust Division has targeted collusion in labor markets for criminal prosecution. This was not unexpected. Indeed, the Antitrust Division gave plenty of warning to companies that criminal...more
The 10th amendment to the German Act against Restraints of Competition (ARC) entered into force on January 19 (ARC Digitization Act); the act seeks to modernize German antitrust rules and address challenges associated with...more
Despite the challenges of an unprecedented global pandemic, cartel enforcement activity in 2020 increased in many leading enforcement jurisdictions. Corporate fines, for example, more than doubled from 2019 in the United...more
Das Landgericht Dortmund macht mit Urteil vom 30.09.2020 (8 O 115/14 (Kart)) von der Möglichkeit Gebrauch, die Schadenshöhe in Kartellschadensersatzfällen zu schätzen – ohne ein eigenes Gutachten einzuholen. ...more
In July 2020, the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (Antitrust Division) applauded the International Competition Network (ICN) initiative on cross-border leniency cooperation to fight international price...more
Kartelle sind schwerwiegende Eingriffe in unsere marktwirtschaftliche Ordnung, die jedes Jahr erhebliche volkswirtschaftliche Schäden verursachen. Wenn sich Wettbewerber untereinander absprechen, um Preise festzusetzen,...more
Global cartel fine totals rebounded somewhat in 2019, approaching historical norms following two years of sharply lower fine levels. The $6.1 billion total is the highest global fine level since 2016. Most of the increased...more
In a speech at the American Bar Association Antitrust Law Section’s International Cartel Conference in San Francisco last week, Deputy Assistant Attorney General Richard A. Powers reaffirmed the Antitrust Division’s...more
Global companies are paying greater attention to criminal antitrust risks – and with good reason. We often dwell on the impact to a company of a major FCPA investigation. A global criminal antitrust investigation often in...more
Joint study by the Bundeskartellamt (German Cartel Office) and the Autorité de la concurrence (French Competition Authority) indicates need for higher compliance standards - Digital ubiquity, and the resulting rules, do not...more
Chief Judge Tunheim recently dismissed, with leave to amend, the class complaints in In Re Pork Antitrust Litigation. The Pork case— filed in the District of Minnesota against Tyson, Hormel, JBS and other major pork...more
While the Department of Justice's enforcement and policy priorities change from administration to administration, one priority has not, dating to the Clinton era: The DOJ's Antitrust Division loves to prosecute price-fixing...more
On July 11, the U.S. Department of Justice rolled out a new policy to encourage stronger corporate antitrust compliance efforts. Announced by DOJ Antitrust Division head Makan Delrahim in remarks at the New York University...more
Benjamin Franklin once observed that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” In the antitrust context, this means that most, if not all, companies will want as a matter of course to adopt and maintain an antitrust...more
In yet another major compliance development, the Justice Department announced the adoption of a new policy to credit effective compliance programs in resolving criminal cartel prosecutions against corporations....more
The Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (Division) finally will consider the existence of effective antitrust compliance programs at the charging stage of criminal antitrust investigations, opening up the...more
Change is here. A few weeks ago, Makan Delrahim – Assistant Attorney General for the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (the Division or DOJ) – signaled a major change in how the Division will assess a...more
The Development: The European Court of Justice ("ECJ") ruled that parent companies and economic successors can be held liable for damages caused by a subsidiary or acquired company in cartel cases. This significantly broadens...more
Overview of the law and enforcement regime relating to cartels The governing law for competition enforcement in Taiwan is the Taiwan Fair Trade Act (“TFTA”). The TFTA was enacted in February 1991, and took effect in 1992. The...more