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Arbitration Law Practice Management

Arbitration is a widely-used method for settling disputes between parties. During arbitration, parties submit their dispute to an impartial third person or party, usually chosen by the parties. Typically, parties... more +
Arbitration is a widely-used method for settling disputes between parties. During arbitration, parties submit their dispute to an impartial third person or party, usually chosen by the parties. Typically, parties to arbitration agree in advance to be bound by the arbitrator's decision. Arbitration is an alternative to litigation, but it shares many of the familiar features of litigation. Namely, parties to arbitration hold hearings before neutral decision-makers, present evidence and argue the merits of their position. Parties often choose arbitration due to its perceived advantages over litigation. Those perceived advantages include greater efficiency and flexibility, and lower costs. less -

Perspective Matters: Lessons That Can Shape Outcomes


What reframing artwork taught me about advocacy, perspective and the power of framing in ADR - My mother recently moved out of her home of nearly six decades. As you can well imagine, there were many belongings that needed...more


Development of LawTech in Hong Kong


First things first. What is “LawTech”? “LawTech” is an increasingly common buzzword in the legal sector. The Law Society of England and Wales defines “LawTech” as “technologies that aim to support, supplement or replace...more

Miles Mediation & Arbitration

Diversity in ADR: Time for Another Uncomfortable Conversation

It’s time to put down the press release and get to work to spur transformational change in the industry once and for all. Can I let you in on a little secret? We’re not impressed with your corporate statement about...more

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