News & Analysis as of

ATMs Digital Currency Banks

Allen Matkins

California Court Upholds Daily Transaction Limits On Bitcoin ATMs

Allen Matkins on

A year ago, Governor Gavin Newsom signed two bills,  Assembly Bill 39 and Senate Bill 401, that created the California Digital Financial Assets Law.  SB 401 added Section 3902 to the Financial Code to prohibit an operator of...more

Robins Kaplan LLP

Your daily dose of financial news - The Brief – 9.21.16

Robins Kaplan LLP on

Testifying before the Senate Banking Committee yesterday, Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf admitted that the illegal sham-account-creation activity at the heart of its recent SEC fine may have begun earlier than first reported....more


Digital Currency to the Rescue: Bitcoins as Solution to Greek Capital Controls

Goodwin on

This week and BTCGreece began a partnership aimed at providing a solution to Greek capital controls. Part of that solution entails supporting voucher payments backed by bitcoin and installing one thousand Bitcoin...more

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