Propel: "Secure first, then ride." V2X technology and enhancing the safety of self-driving vehicles
JONES DAY PRESENTS® AV 4.0 and the Future of Autonomous Vehicles
[WEBINAR] Transportation Technology Infrastructure: A Smarter Future Requires Smarter Infrastructure
[WEBINAR] Laying the Foundation for Maximizing Benefits Around Emerging Technologies
[WEBINAR] Automated Vehicle Pilot Project Risks and Smart Infrastructure
Straight Talks: Autonomous regulations around the world
Straight Talks: New players, new rules - IP disruption in the automobile industry
Straight Talks: Data privacy and cybersecurity in the age of rolling smart devices
Straight Talks: Innovations in product liability for autonomous and connected vehicles
Vehicles are more complex now, than ever, offering incredible and exciting technology, including self-driving features. But as innovation continues to rapidly change the automotive industry, can we expect the same innovation...more
Die Bundesregierung hat am 23. Februar 2022 die "Verordnung zur Regelung des Betriebs von Kraftfahrzeugen mit automatisierter und autonomer Fahrfunktion und zur Änderung straßenverkehrsrechtlicher Vorschriften" ("Verordnung")...more
Like several state and local transportation agencies around the nation, the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) is looking to roll out a fleet of autonomous vehicles. However, unlike other entities, the JTA is hoping...more
As the United States prepares to harness the innovation of autonomous technology in transportation, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is asking the public to identify regulatory barriers that can be removed to allow...more