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Automation Systems Business Operations Energy Trading

Opportune LLP

ETRM System Cutover: Achieving a Successful Transition

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Cutting over to a new Energy Trading and Risk Management (ETRM) system is a significant undertaking. The process involves transitioning data, configurations, and business processes from your legacy system to the new one,...more

Opportune LLP

RightAngle Upgrade: Best Practices for a Successful…

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Upgrading critical applications has become a common challenge for corporate IT departments. Software vendors can deploy major releases more quickly because of improvements in coding and testing tools and some tie eligibility...more

Opportune LLP

The Power of Automation & Customization in RightAngle…

Opportune LLP on

Maintaining a robust system is essential in the ever-evolving landscape of energy trading and risk management (ETRM). RightAngle, a flagship solution by ION, has been a linchpin for organizations navigating the complexities...more

Opportune LLP

Efficient Systems Monitoring with RightAngle Database…

Opportune LLP on

In today's digital landscape, where data is often dubbed the "new oil," ensuring the smooth operation of databases is crucial for businesses. Regular oversight, including monitoring database metrics, is essential to optimize...more

Opportune LLP

Key Considerations For Improving Your Business Processes & ETRM System Implementation

Opportune LLP on

Business processes can get complicated over time in any organization. A fitting example of a core business process is the processing of payable invoices. The old-fashioned way of processing invoices is to receive the invoices...more

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