News & Analysis as of

Background Checks State Labor Laws Ban the Box

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,...

San Diego County Adopts Fair Chance Ordinance for Unincorporated Areas: What Employers Need to Know

Following the lead of other California cities and counties, the County of San Diego recently passed a local fair chance ordinance restricting the use of criminal history in employment decisions. Effective October 10,...more

Rodemer Kane Attorneys at Law

Misdemeanors That Prevent Employment – Surprising Offenses That Employers Won't Overlook

Will a misdemeanor affect employment? Getting a job with a misdemeanor on your record is usually not an issue, but certain offenses might make it challenging to land specific types of employment. For example: ●...more

Jackson Lewis P.C.

Reminders About California’s Fair Chance Act

Jackson Lewis P.C. on

California’s Fair Chance Act also known as the “Ban the Box” law took effect in January 2018. It generally prohibits employers with five or more employees from asking about your conviction history before making you a job...more


New Pennsylvania Legislation and Philadelphia Ordinance Amendment Tackle Pardoned Convictions, Expunged Records, and Negligent...

Littler on

Pennsylvania and Philadelphia recently enacted changes that impact employer criminal background screening. ...more

CDF Labor Law LLP

Reminder: October 1 New Requirements For Considering Criminal History in Employment

CDF Labor Law LLP on

On October 1, 2023, changes to the Fair Employment and Housing Act regulations that govern how employers can use information about criminal history in employment decisions go into effect, modifying California Code of...more

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,...

California Changes Background Check Procedures

The California Civil Rights Council recently amended the regulations interpreting California’s 2018 Fair Chance Act, which go into effect October 1, 2023. The new regulations add restrictions, make clarifications, and...more

CDF Labor Law LLP

BEWARE: New Requirements for How California Employers May Consider Criminal History In Employment Go Into Effect On October 1,...

CDF Labor Law LLP on

On October 1, 2023, changes to the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) regulations that govern how employers can use information about criminal history in employment decisions go into effect, modifying California Code of...more


Changes in California’s Regulations Regarding Criminal Records Approved

Littler on

The California Civil Rights Council previously issued draft revisions to the Fair Employment and Housing Act’s regulations governing inquiries into and consideration of a job applicant’s criminal history in making hiring...more

Epstein Becker & Green

Chicago’s Amended “Ban the Box” Ordinance Imposes Stricter Criminal History Use and Notification Requirements on Employers

Epstein Becker & Green on

Chicago has amended its “Ban the Box” Ordinance (the “Ordinance”) to further align with Illinois law. The Ordinance, which originally took effect in 2015, provides protections for both prospective and current employees....more

Cooley LLP

10 Actionable Compliance Steps for Massachusetts Employers

Cooley LLP on

Massachusetts employment laws are notoriously complex. Employers face the constant challenge of managing their workforces while also complying with the commonwealth’s ever-evolving legal requirements. Below we have listed 10...more

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,...

Connecticut Clean Slate Law Brings New Requirements for Employers in 2023 and Beyond

On June 10, 2021, Governor Ned Lamont signed into law Connecticut’s “Clean Slate” law, Public Act No. 21-32. The Clean Slate law became effective January 1, 2023, and it provides for the automatic erasure of certain criminal...more


Upcoming Changes in California’s Law Regarding Criminal Background Checks

Littler on

Employers that rely on criminal background checks to vet candidates know all too well that they must comply with a legion of statutes, ordinances, and regulations.  On December 15, 2022, the Civil Rights Council (“Council”)...more


Healthcare Jobs, Background Checks, the Fair Credit Reporting Act

Dentons on

Background checks have always been a huge issue in the world of healthcare, with many state-specific statutes requiring how background checks are conducted, as well as the other more complex national issues regarding...more


HR Quick Take: Ban the Box

Dentons on

Q: Ban the Box has been around for several years now, and I know at least one city in Iowa implemented local regulations about background checks. What is the status in Iowa?...more

McDermott Will & Emery

California Employers: Your Online Job Advertisements Could Get Your Business in Hot Water

McDermott Will & Emery on

The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) announced a new affirmative effort to detect and correct violations of the Fair Chance Act (FCA)—California’s ban-the-box law—by using online technology to...more

Proskauer - Law and the Workplace

Louisiana Enacts Workplace Protections for Employees Disabled due to Pregnancy and Limits the Use of Criminal Background Checks in...

Louisiana employers should be aware of two new laws which went into effect on August 1, 2021. The first, Act 393, provides for reasonable accommodations of employees who become temporarily disabled due to certain...more


Another Privacy Headache for California: Court of Appeal Ruling Will Slow Down Criminal Background Checks Throughout California

Littler on

Companies that hire employees and engage independent contractors in California should brace for a significant slowdown in background checks that include criminal record searches in California state courts....more

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,...

Maine’s New ‘Ban-the-Box’ Law: When Can Employers Inquire About Criminal Histories?

In July 2021, Maine enacted a new “ban-the-box” law that limits employer inquiries into an applicant’s criminal history. Under the new law, entitled “An Act Relating to Fair Chance in Employment,” employers are prohibited...more

Proskauer - California Employment Law

New Restriction on Background Checks in California

The California Court of Appeal has ruled that date of birth and/or a driver’s license number cannot be used to identify individuals in an electronic search of the criminal index of court records.  All of Us or None v....more

Amundsen Davis LLC

State Survey – Considering Criminal Convictions In Private Employment Decisions

Amundsen Davis LLC on

As we previously discussed, Illinois has moved beyond “ban-the-box” and now significantly restricts employers’ ability to consider criminal convictions when making employment decisions. (For more details see our employer’s...more

Franczek P.C.

New IHRA Amendments Severely Limit Employers’ Ability to Consider Criminal Background

Franczek P.C. on

On March 23, 2021, Governor Pritzker signed into law amendments to the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA) that substantially limit employers’ ability to consider an applicant or employee’s criminal history. ...more


Illinois Imposes New Criminal History Check Requirements on Employers

Littler on

On March 23, 2021, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed a bill (SB1480) that amends the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA) to, among other things, impose new requirements on employers that perform criminal history checks on their...more


Updates to California’s Restrictions on Using Criminal Records in Employment Decisions

Littler on

The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), as amended in 2018, restricts a covered employer’s ability to make hiring decisions based on an individual’s criminal history, including but not limited to court records...more


Hawaii Amends its Ban the Box Law to Fortify Protections for Ex-Offenders

Littler on

Hawaii has long had a law limiting the discretion that employers have to consider older conviction records in making employment decisions.  Effective September 15, 2020, SB 2193 prevents most private sector employers from...more

Kelley Drye & Warren LLP

North Carolina Also Bans-The-Box

Today, most Americans live in a jurisdiction that has enacted a “ban-the-box” law (also known as a “fair chance” law). Ban-the-box laws restrict employers from inquiring about an applicant’s criminal background at various...more

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