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Background Checks Transparency Hiring & Firing

Mitratech Holdings, Inc

7 Tips for Effective Background Screening of Hourly Employees

Hiring hourly workers, especially in high-volume sectors like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and construction, presents unique challenges. The demand for quick hiring can sometimes lead to shortcuts in the background...more

Mitratech Holdings, Inc

What Love Is Blind Can Teach Employers About Background Screening

Have you ever binge-watched a reality TV show and unexpectedly found yourself drawing parallels to real-life situations? “Love is Blind” (LIB) is one of those television shows that brings up real, tangible feelings for many...more

Mitratech Holdings, Inc

Candidate-Friendly Background Screening: How to Ensure Fairness and Transparency in the Hiring Process

Background screening is a part of life for recruiters and applicants – it’s just something needed to keep your workforce safe. However, it’s also a roadblocker for many organizations that need to hire quickly....more

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