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Ballot Measures General Elections Marijuana


Psychedelics and Marijuana on the Ballot: How Should Employers Prepare for Potential Legalization?

Littler on

Voters in several states will decide whether marijuana or, in one case, psychedelic substances should be legal in the upcoming November 5, 2024 general election. Employers should keep their eyes on these ballot measures and...more

Vicente LLP

Several Texas Cannabis Reform Measures Set to Appear in November General Election Ballot

Vicente LLP on

With an expanding cannabis and hemp market and an upcoming legislative session that will consider medical cannabis expansion, hemp regulation, decriminalization, and other cannabis matters—we have our eyes on Texas! Texas...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Floridians to Decide Fate of Adult-Use Marijuana This November

It’s not a joke. On April 1, 2024, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that voters will decide in November whether Florida will become the 24th state to legalize adult-use marijuana. In the face of significant opposition that...more

Akerman LLP

Florida’s Latest Attempt at a Recreational-Use Marijuana Constitutional Amendment

Akerman LLP on

A constitutional ballot initiative was recently filed for Florida's 2024 General Election titled "Adult Personal Use of Marijuana." If approved by Florida voters, individuals 21 or older will be allowed "to possess, purchase,...more


WPI State of the States – What did the Voters Decide?

Littler on

The November mid-term elections resulted in some significant power shifts at the state level. Six states (Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Nevada, New Mexico, and New York) that had been politically divided now enjoy a Democratic...more


The March Toward Full Legalization Continues: Marijuana Election Results in the 2018 Midterms

Goodwin on

During this week’s midterm elections, binding marijuana-related referenda appeared on the ballot in four states. Three of the referenda passed, and one was defeated. Specifically, Tuesday’s election added Michigan to the list...more

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