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Bayer Toxic Chemicals

Hissey, Mulderig & Friend, PLLC

Roundup Users With Lymphoma May Qualify to File a Lawsuit

Exposure to the weedkiller Roundup (glyphosate) has been linked to an increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma....more

Allen Matkins

California Environmental Law & Policy Update 11.10.23

Allen Matkins on

Federal environmental regulators are taking action that eventually could transform the way motor vehicle tires are manufactured to reduce toxic runoff from 6PPD, a substance used in tire production that kills or harms some...more

Allen Matkins

California Environmental Law & Policy Update 11.03.23

Allen Matkins on

The future of California water storage reached a major milestone on Thursday with the finalization of plans for the Sites Reservoir in Northern California. The reservoir would be the second largest off-stream reservoir in the...more

Womble Bond Dickinson

Pesticide Exposures Information: Who is entitled to What and How Can They Use It?

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Last year Bayer announced a plan to settle lawsuits alleging injury due to exposure to Roundup™. Lawsuits alleging injuries related to pesticide exposure, such as the lawsuits involving Roundup™, are not new, and they are...more

Womble Bond Dickinson

IARC’s “Probably Carcinogenic” Does Not Justify Warning Labels but Drives Litigation Uncertainty

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What happens when an international research agency decides that the most widely used herbicide in the world may cause cancer? Well, it depends. Are you asking a judge? Or jurors?...more

Robins Kaplan LLP

Financial Daily Dose 2.18.2020 | Top Story: Apple Cuts Revenue Expectations and HSBC Axes Jobs as Coronavirus Infects Business...

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Apple announced that the coronavirus outbreak that’s brought Chinese manufacturing to a near-standstill and continues to spread around the world will affect its quarterly sales expectations.  The news makes Apple “one of the...more

Robins Kaplan LLP

Your Daily Dose of Financial News

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The US and China have scheduled two more rounds of high-level trade talks with hopes for an agreement between the economic superpowers by late April, even as China has begun to push back against some of the US’s major...more

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