News & Analysis as of

Benefit Plan Sponsors Medicare Part B Prescription Drugs

Venable LLP

REMINDER: October 15 Is the Deadline for Prescription Drug Notices and the Extended Deadline for Form 5500s

Venable LLP on

Does your company's health plan provide prescription drug coverage? If so, you have until October 15, 2024 to send a notice to individuals who are enrolled in Medicare Part A or Part B and are eligible for the company's...more

Venable LLP

REMINDER: October 15 Is the Deadline for Prescription Drug Notices and the Extended Deadline for Form 5500s

Venable LLP on

Does your company's health plan provide prescription drug coverage? If so, you have until October 15, 2022 to send a notice to individuals who are enrolled in Medicare Part A or Part B and are eligible for the company's...more

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