News & Analysis as of

Benefit Plan Sponsors Pensions

Proskauer - Employee Benefits & Executive...

SECURE 2.0’s Required Changes to Annual Funding Notices Become Effective in 2025

SECURE 2.0 introduced many changes for retirement plans, including updated disclosure requirements for a defined benefit plan’s annual funding notice (AFN). These updated AFN disclosure requirements apply for all plan years...more

Pullman & Comley - Labor, Employment and...

Retirement Plan Update – Forfeitures are New Focus of Fiduciary Breach Litigation

Many employer-sponsored defined contributions plans, including 401(k) profit sharing plans and money purchase pension plans include a vesting schedule – a period over which a plan participant earns a nonforfeitable right to...more

Jackson Lewis P.C.

Exciting Update: Self-Correction for Delinquent Contributions Now Possible Under the DOL’s VFCP

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On January 14, 2025, the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) within the Department of Labor (DOL) updated its Voluntary Fiduciary Compliance Program (VFCP). The VFCP allows plan officials to correct certain...more


DOL Announces Temporary Enforcement Policy Regarding Transfer of Small Retirement Benefit Payments of Missing Participants to...

Verrill on

Retirement plan fiduciaries have a new option for handling small benefit payments owed to missing participants and beneficiaries thanks to a temporary enforcement policy announced by the Department of Labor (“DOL”) earlier...more

Ary Rosenbaum - The Rosenbaum Law Firm P.C.

Get A Grip Over Hiring An ERISA Attorney

As a lawyer, I’ve heard plenty of lawyer jokes and some of them are amusing. I once said at law school that I now know why lawyers have terrible reputations because I met some of these lawyers at law school. While lawyers...more

Clark Hill PLC

2025 Benefits Limits

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Happy Holidays! Employee benefits limits for 2025 have been promulgated by the government. Click the link below to view 2024-2025 comparisons of important employee benefits limits....more

Groom Law Group, Chartered

Proposed Settlement Agreement Reached in Actuarial Equivalence Lawsuit

Earlier this month, a group of retired employees of Citgo Petroleum Corporation filed a motion for settlement of their lawsuit claiming they were harmed by their pension plan’s use of unreasonable actuarial assumptions. The...more

Proskauer - Employee Benefits & Executive...

DOL Updates Guidance on Pension and Health & Welfare Plan Cybersecurity Best Practices

In 2021, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued 3 documents outlining guidance on cybersecurity practices for benefits plans, which we discussed in a blog post at the time. The DOL recently issued revised versions of the...more

Hall Benefits Law

The DOL’s New “Economic Realities” Test to Determine Employee Status: ERISA Considerations for Benefit Plan Sponsors

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The Department of Labor (DOL) Wage and Hour Division issued final regulations, effective March 11, 2024, which are intended to serve as a practical guide to employers on how the DOL determines whether a worker is an employee...more

Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP

Does Your Retirement Plan Need a 'PLESA'?

Pension-Linked Emergency Savings Accounts (“PLESAs”) are a special retirement plan feature created under SECURE ACT 2.0. PLESAs were first permitted to be made available to participants as of January 1, 2024. PLESAs, which...more

Bricker Graydon LLP

Knock Knock, Is Anyone Home? Do You Know Where Your “Missing” Retirement Plan Participants Are?

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In the laundry list of retirement plan administrative and operational requirements, plan sponsors may sometimes overlook their obligations with respect to terminated vested employees. Even though these individuals have left...more

Lowenstein Sandler LLP

Defined Benefit Plans: Mitigating Pension Liabilities in a Business Transaction

Lowenstein Sandler LLP on

On the latest episode of “Just Compensation,” Andrew E. Graw, Taryn E. Cannataro, and Jessica I. Kriegsfeld address single-employer defined benefit plans in the context of a business transaction, and the potential liabilities...more

Bricker Graydon LLP

Unicorn, Ostrich or Okapi? Fiduciary Duties for Governmental Retirement Plan Sponsors

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Most retirement plan sponsors know that ERISA - the federal law that imposes duties (and liability for breaching those duties) on certain individuals and entities that are defined as plan fiduciaries – is the primary source...more

Dickinson Wright

Mastering Retirement Plan Forfeitures: A Deep Dive into IRS’s 2023 Proposals & Fiduciary Litigation Trends

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When a participant terminates employment without being fully vested in their qualified retirement plan account, the non-vested portion of the account is a “forfeiture.” While forfeitures are a common element of most...more

Foley & Lardner LLP

Webinar Key Takeaways: Feeling Insecure About SECURE 2.0? A Discussion for Retirement Plan Sponsors

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SECURE 2.0 significantly changed the legal and administrative compliance landscape for retirement plans. Foley recently hosted a webinar where Leigh Riley, Kathleen Bardunias, and Kelsey O’Gorman discussed key provisions of...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Want to Put More Away in Your 401(k)? Qualified Plan Limits Generally Increase in 2024

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Seyfarth Synopsis: The IRS just announced the 2024 annual limits that will apply to tax-qualified retirement plans. For a third year in a row, the IRS increased the annual limits, allowing participants to save even more in...more

A&O Shearman

Pensions in Dispute - August 2023

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Welcome to our quarterly pensions litigation briefing, designed to help pensions managers identify key risks in scheme administration and trustees update their knowledge and understanding. This briefing highlights recent...more

McDermott Will & Emery

Better Than a Snow Day: The PBGC Provides One-Time Section 4010 Reporting Waiver

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Acknowledging uncommon market conditions, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) announced Technical Update Number 23-1 (the Update), which provides a one-time waiver of certain reporting requirements for some...more

Proskauer - Employee Benefits & Executive...

PBGC Provides One-Time 4010 Filing Waiver for Certain Employers

ERISA Section 4010 requires a contributing sponsor of certain single-employer pension plans, as well as the sponsor’s controlled group members, to provide controlled group, financial, and actuarial information to the PBGC...more

Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

You Can’t Have Your Cake and Eat it, Too

On July 7, 2023, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama issued a ruling in Perfection Bakeries Inc. v. Retail Wholesale & Dep’t Store Int’l Union & Indus. Pension Fund, ordering Perfection Bakery, Inc....more


Alternatives for Sponsors of Defined Benefit Pension Plans

Verrill on

For decades, it was common for employers to maintain employer-funded defined benefit pension plans (“DB Plans” or “Plans”) to provide retirement benefits to their employees. In recent years, DB Plans have become increasingly...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

SECURE 2.0: Changes Affecting Defined Benefit Pension Plans

Enacted last December as part of omnibus appropriations legislation, the “Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2022” (SECURE 2.0) includes a number of provisions that have an impact on retirement plan administration, effective...more

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

Ninth Circuit Dismisses Claim on Behalf of Welfare Benefit Plan for Lack of Article III Standing

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Just this month, the Ninth Circuit revisited the relationship between ERISA and Article III constitutional standing, recently addressed by the U.S. Supreme Court in Thole v. U.S. Bank, 140 S. Ct. 1615. In Winsor v....more

Foley & Lardner LLP

Diving Into SECURE 2.0: Changes for Defined Benefit Pension Plans

Foley & Lardner LLP on

...Cash Balance Plan Compliance with Back-Loading Requirements - The rate at which a participant accrues benefits under a defined benefit pension plan must satisfy certain rules designed to ensure that the participant has...more

Warner Norcross + Judd

[Webinar] Employee Benefits SECURE Act 2.0 Series - Part 2: Distribution Rule Revisions - April 12th, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET

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Warner’s Employee Benefits Practice Group is pleased to present a webinar series on significant new retirement plan legislation, the SECURE Act 2.0. While we expect implementing the new law to take several years, some...more

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