News & Analysis as of

Benefit Plan Sponsors Retirement Plan Beneficiaries

The Wagner Law Group

Forfeiture Accounts Hold More Than Nonvested Employer Contributions

The Wagner Law Group on

The Wagner Law Group continues to monitor the ongoing flood of “forfeiture” litigation. This alert is our seventh reporting on and analyzing the nature of the claims raised by plaintiffs, the defenses asserted against them,...more

Clark Hill PLC

[Hybrid Event] Qualified Plan Due Diligence Luncheon - November 6th, San Antonio, TX

Clark Hill PLC on

Please join us for our annual presentation on retirement plan due diligence matters. Topics will include: - Investment decision due diligence - SECURE Act 2.0 - Retirement plan litigation - Cybersecurity -...more

Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP

Client Alert: IRS Unveils Pilot Program for Retirement Plan Sponsors Under Audit

In a June 8th announcement, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rolled out a pilot program allowing for pre-examination correction of operational issues in qualified retirement plans. Previously, a plan sponsor could not...more

Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

The GAO Reviews QDROs

In July 2020, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) prepared a report for the Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions about Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs). QDROs are...more

Morgan Lewis - ML Benefits

IRS Issues More Guidance on Required Minimum Distributions

IRS Notice 2020-51, released last week, provides additional guidance on the waiver in 2020 of required minimum distributions (RMDs) from defined contribution retirement plans and IRAs, and the interaction of this waiver with...more

Ary Rosenbaum - The Rosenbaum Law Firm P.C.

The beneficiary form and the need for no drama

As a plan sponsor, you need to make sure that participant beneficiary forms are up to date. It’s not enough that you make sure that every participant has filled one out, you also have to make sure that they’re updated. Family...more

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