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Biometric Information Algorithms Risk Management

Clark Hill PLC

Right To Know - June 2024, Vol. 18

Clark Hill PLC on

Cyber, Privacy, and Technology Report - Welcome to your monthly rundown of all things cyber, privacy, and technology, where we highlight all the happenings you may have missed....more

Baker Donelson

Analyzing the EU Artificial Intelligence Act: Spotlight on Biometrics

Baker Donelson on

The European Parliament formally adopted the EU Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), a first-of-its-kind comprehensive regulation governing the use of artificial intelligence (AI), on March 13, 2024. While applicable to a...more

EDRM - Electronic Discovery Reference Model

Cyber Risk Management Chronicles | Episode X | Biometrics - the Ticket to Flying High or a Turbulent Ride for Authentication?

Feeling seen, but maybe too seen - Stepping off the plane this past August after a long international flight, the last thing I wanted was a lengthy wait at US Customs, the final sentinel between me and a good night’s sleep. I...more

Spirit Legal

[Webinar] Datenintensive Technologien und Anwendungen rechtskonform gestalten - March 25th, 9:30 am - 3:00 pm CET

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Gerade für Juristen ist Begeisterung für und ein Verständnis von Branchen, Geschäftsmodellen und Technologien – gerade vor dem Hintergrund des Datenschutzrechts und des Gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes – unerlässlich und...more

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