Biometric Litigation
DE Under 3: FTC Enters the Biometric Privacy Protection Conversation
Digital Planning Podcast Episode: Understanding Biometrics and the Impact on Estate Planning
Illinois Supreme Court Clarifies BIPA Violation Accruals, Opening the Door for “Annihilative” Damage
Podcast: BIPA Trends in 2022
Immigration Insights Podcast: International Entrepreneur Parole Program & Biometrics Requirement
JONES DAY PRESENTS® The Impact of Digital Health on Research and Clinical Trials
#BigIdeas2020: Facial Recognition Technology and Employer Compliance - Employment Law This Week® - Trending News
5 Key Takeaways | Biometrics: Identifying and Mitigating Legal Risks
Last week, the Illinois Senate advanced the first significant BIPA amendment (SB 2979), passing it in the Senate by a vote of 46-13. The bill has broad Democratic support, and groups that have traditionally opposed BIPA have...more
As organizations aim to return to some type of normalcy, and help ensure a healthy and safe workplace, many have implemented COVID-19 screening programs that check for symptoms, and an employee’s recent travel and potential...more
If a picture of your face is used for a purpose that doesn’t identify you, is your privacy violated? If the publicly available picture was used just to show a face, distinguished from some faces, similar to others, and fed...more