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Cozen O'Connor

Illinois BIPA Reform 2024 – Back Where We Started or Moving Forward?

Cozen O'Connor on

Last week, the Illinois Senate advanced the first significant BIPA amendment (SB 2979), passing it in the Senate by a vote of 46-13. The bill has broad Democratic support, and groups that have traditionally opposed BIPA have...more

Jackson Lewis P.C.

COVID-19 Screening Program Can Lead To Litigation Concerning Biometric Information, BIPA

Jackson Lewis P.C. on

As organizations aim to return to some type of normalcy, and help ensure a healthy and safe workplace, many have implemented COVID-19 screening programs that check for symptoms, and an employee’s recent travel and potential...more

Womble Bond Dickinson

Is Your Privacy Violated by Using Your Face to Train AI to Recognize Faces?

Womble Bond Dickinson on

If a picture of your face is used for a purpose that doesn’t identify you, is your privacy violated? If the publicly available picture was used just to show a face, distinguished from some faces, similar to others, and fed...more

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