Biometric Litigation
DE Under 3: FTC Enters the Biometric Privacy Protection Conversation
Digital Planning Podcast Episode: Understanding Biometrics and the Impact on Estate Planning
Illinois Supreme Court Clarifies BIPA Violation Accruals, Opening the Door for “Annihilative” Damage
Podcast: BIPA Trends in 2022
Immigration Insights Podcast: International Entrepreneur Parole Program & Biometrics Requirement
JONES DAY PRESENTS® The Impact of Digital Health on Research and Clinical Trials
#BigIdeas2020: Facial Recognition Technology and Employer Compliance - Employment Law This Week® - Trending News
5 Key Takeaways | Biometrics: Identifying and Mitigating Legal Risks
As the integration of technology in the workplace accelerates, so do the challenges related to privacy, cybersecurity, and the ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI). Human resource professionals and in-house counsel...more
Cyber, Privacy, and Technology Report - Welcome to your monthly rundown of all things cyber, privacy, and technology, where we highlight all the happenings you may have missed....more
“Cybersecurity” has emerged as one of top risks facing organizations. Considering the steady stream of massive data breaches affecting millions (sometimes billions), the debilitating effects of ransomware on an organization’s...more
Efforts to Address the Lack of Federal Data Privacy Legislation in the U.S. Have Continued - The need for federal data privacy legislation was reiterated in the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on...more
The Federal Trade Commission has published a detailed blog post on health information, setting the stage for future enforcement … and not just regarding health information. There is some eye opening takeaways in it, making...more
As the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) comes into effect on January 1, 2023, the temporary and partial exceptions for employment and business-to-business information will expire, making California the first and only...more
BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy Faces Lawsuit Over Healthcare Data Breach - "Florida-based BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy allegedly failed to safeguard PII and notify patients of a healthcare data breach that impacted 350K, the...more
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), considered one of the most expansive U.S. privacy laws to date, went into effect on January 1, 2020. The CCPA placed significant limitations on the collection and sale of a...more
Just as we thought 2022 was going to be significantly different than 2021, December 2021 and January 2022 events have thrown us for another (pandemic) loop. We anticipate that some of the privacy and cybersecurity...more
Introduction - The Connecticut legislature recently enacted a pair of new data breach and cybersecurity statutes — Public Act 21-59 and Public Act 21-119 — on June 16 and July 6, respectively. Both laws will take effect on...more
In honor of Data Privacy Day, we provide the following “Top 10 for 2021.” While the list is by no means exhaustive, it does provide some hot topics for organizations to consider in 2021...more
States continue to enhance and expand their breach notification requirements, increasing the scope of breaches that require notice as well as the complexity of compliance. Four jurisdictions—Vermont, the District of Columbia,...more
Shook Weighs in on Updated CCPA Regulations - In response to extensive public comment, the California Attorney General’s office released modified draft regulations under the CCPA on February 7. Shook has provided initial...more
It is being reported that LifeLabs, a Canadian lab company that is the largest provider of laboratory diagnostics and lab testing services in Canada, recently paid an undisclosed ransom to hackers who compromised its computer...more
National Veterinary Associates (NVA), a large network of veterinary hospitals and clinics, has reportedly been the victim of a ransomware attack. According to the reports, NVA employs more than 2,600 veterinarians, with over...more
New York recently amended its existing data breach notification law to expand the data breach notification obligations of persons and businesses (and state agencies) and impose specific data security requirements on persons...more
US-CERT Warns of New Ransomware: Bad Rabbit - The U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) is warning companies in the U.S. about a new ransomware dubbed “Bad Rabbit.” US-CERT stated it has received multiple...more
The Maryland General Assembly recently amended the Maryland Personal Information Protection Act to expand the definition of personal information, provide a 45-day timeframe for providing notice of a breach, allow for...more
Earlier this year, Illinois enacted a number of changes to the Illinois Personal Information Protection Act (“PIPA”). The amendments to PIPA, among other things, expand the definition of personal information subject to...more
Governor Bruce Rauner signed several new provisions into law amending Illinois’ Personal Information Privacy Act, including health insurance and medical information into the definition of personal information that triggers...more
New Technology = New Threats - With new technology comes new security concerns. But when that new technology is in the medical field, the cybersecurity vulnerabilities can be particularly devastating. The...more
As the number of highly publicized data breaches continues to skyrocket and proposals for a federal data breach notification law stagnate, state legislatures around the country have been busy amending their own breach...more