Biometric Litigation
DE Under 3: FTC Enters the Biometric Privacy Protection Conversation
Digital Planning Podcast Episode: Understanding Biometrics and the Impact on Estate Planning
Illinois Supreme Court Clarifies BIPA Violation Accruals, Opening the Door for “Annihilative” Damage
Podcast: BIPA Trends in 2022
Immigration Insights Podcast: International Entrepreneur Parole Program & Biometrics Requirement
JONES DAY PRESENTS® The Impact of Digital Health on Research and Clinical Trials
#BigIdeas2020: Facial Recognition Technology and Employer Compliance - Employment Law This Week® - Trending News
5 Key Takeaways | Biometrics: Identifying and Mitigating Legal Risks
Earlier this month the UK privacy office put a stop to several related entities’ use of facial recognition technologies and fingerprint monitors for their employees. The UK Information Commissioner’s Office found that the...more
To capture AI’s promise, manufacturers must take steps to protect privacy and root out bias, particularly when they train their systems on data about employees. ...more
While we may now take Tesla’s connected world for granted, one cannot help but wonder what readers thought of his predictions in 1926 when he made the above statements in a magazine interview. It remains to be seen whether a...more