Biometric Litigation
DE Under 3: FTC Enters the Biometric Privacy Protection Conversation
Digital Planning Podcast Episode: Understanding Biometrics and the Impact on Estate Planning
Illinois Supreme Court Clarifies BIPA Violation Accruals, Opening the Door for “Annihilative” Damage
Podcast: BIPA Trends in 2022
Immigration Insights Podcast: International Entrepreneur Parole Program & Biometrics Requirement
JONES DAY PRESENTS® The Impact of Digital Health on Research and Clinical Trials
#BigIdeas2020: Facial Recognition Technology and Employer Compliance - Employment Law This Week® - Trending News
5 Key Takeaways | Biometrics: Identifying and Mitigating Legal Risks
It is hard to believe that another year is upon us! As we have done in years past (including 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018), we have created a comprehensive resource of all our posts from 2024. As...more
In Part 1 of our series on Text-to-Speech AI Models (TTS Models), we highlighted questions that should be considered from an intellectual property perspective. In this Part 2, we provide a high-level overview of data...more
“Cybersecurity” has emerged as one of top risks facing organizations. Considering the steady stream of massive data breaches affecting millions (sometimes billions), the debilitating effects of ransomware on an organization’s...more
Editor’s Note: During this webcast, industry leaders discussed using generative AI (GAI) in the legal and cybersecurity fields. The speakers, John Brewer, Anya Korolyov, Chris Wall, and Bernie Gabin, all experts in AI and...more
California continues to push beyond other states in developing and implementing privacy and cybersecurity regulations. The latest evidence came from the recent release of draft regulations from the California Privacy...more
Technology has brought efficiency into the workplace, but not without legal risk. Employers are increasingly tasking technology to assist with human resource functions, security, and workplace monitoring, all of which can...more
World events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have accelerated the need for business operations to grow more digitally reliant and driven. As the global network grows and becomes more interconnected, privacy and...more
Avoiding Data Breaches: A Guide for Boards and C-Suites "Recently, plaintiffs have targeted corporate board members and C-level executives alleging that their data privacy–related claims result from a breach of fiduciary...more
In this month’s Privacy & Cybersecurity Update, we examine the Illinois Supreme Court’s decision in a case involving workers compensation and the state’s Biometric Information Privacy Act, U.K. data transfer regimes before...more
In honor of Data Privacy Day, we provide the following “Top 10 for 2022.” While the list is by no means exhaustive, it does provide some hot topics for organizations to consider in 2022...more
Just as we thought 2022 was going to be significantly different than 2021, December 2021 and January 2022 events have thrown us for another (pandemic) loop. We anticipate that some of the privacy and cybersecurity...more
US Department of Homeland Security Publishes Strategic Plan on Artificial Intelligence - The Dep’t of Homeland (DHS) Security Science and Technology Directorate recently published its Artificial Intelligence & Machine...more
The legislation updates the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) by prohibiting internet companies from collecting personal information from anyone 13- to 15-years old without the user’s consent Senators...more
In honor of Data Privacy Day, we provide the following “Top 10 for 2021.” While the list is by no means exhaustive, it does provide some hot topics for organizations to consider in 2021...more
This is the time of the year in which we look back to what has happened during the last 12 months and try to get ready for what is to come. This can be done in many ways, although one of the most common practices is to rely...more
A new report released by Global Market Insights, Inc. last month estimates that the global market valuation for voice recognition technology will reach approximately $7 billion by 2026, in main part due to the surge of AI and...more
Shook Weighs in on Updated CCPA Regulations - In response to extensive public comment, the California Attorney General’s office released modified draft regulations under the CCPA on February 7. Shook has provided initial...more
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) presents numerous compliance challenges for businesses. Given the heightened focus on consumer privacy and ever-increasing enforcement risks, companies have to move quickly to...more
When the federal government fails to assume responsibility for establishing law and policy in important federal areas of jurisdiction, the individual states then spring into action to fill the vacuum. ...more
In this month's edition of our Privacy & Cybersecurity Update, we examine New York's new laws expanding consumer protection for data breaches, the D.C. Circuit's two rulings deepening the split regarding standing in data...more
New York is gearing up to enact some of the toughest cybersecurity, privacy and data protection laws in the country. Modeled on the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer...more
Insight into where e-discovery, information governance cybersecurity, and digital transformation are heading – who is doing what now or in the future, what works and what doesn’t, and what people wish they could do but can’t...more
As we move into the second month of 2019, we’d like to give an overview of the trends we see developing in the cybersecurity and data privacy area for the year. We’ll be sure to elaborate on these areas with more details as...more
Introduction - The past year was an active one for data privacy and security legislation and enforcement. Protection for certain personal data was enhanced internationally by the EU General Data Protection Regulation...more