News & Analysis as of

Biometric Information Independent Contractors Data Privacy

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,...

Provisional Deal Reached on the EU Platform Work Directive, With Changes on Worker Classification Test, Stricter AI Rules

European Union policymakers reached a provisional agreement on the Platform Work Directive on March 11, 2024, which reveals significant concessions on the classification of digital platform workers as employees or independent...more

Alston & Bird

Class Action & MDL Roundup 2023 Q4 - Not All Cases Survive and Advance

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Welcome to the Class Action & MDL Roundup, our quarterly review of decisions and settlements in the class action arena. In this edition, student-athletes win an NIL round, Canadians in California isn’t personal...more

Fenwick & West LLP

FTC Sets Policy Priorities for Biometric Information

Fenwick & West LLP on

The FTC recently published a policy statement with its enforcement priorities for the misuse of biometric information. To be clear, there are no new federal laws that specifically regulate the collection or use of biometric...more

Fisher Phillips

The Top 17 Workplace Law Stories from February 2022

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It’s hard to keep up with all the recent changes to labor and employment law. While the law always seems to evolve at a rapid pace, there have been an unprecedented number of changes for the past few years—and this past month...more

Greenberg Glusker LLP

[Webinar] Data Privacy Forecast + Concerns for CA Businesses & Employers - January 25th, 10:00 am - 11:00 am PST

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It is less than one year until California’s landmark privacy law—CPRA—comes into effect. In the meantime, 2020 saw significant changes to California’s existing laws, including the expansion of laws dealing with biometric...more

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