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Biometric Information Marketing Data Privacy

Alston & Bird

Class Action & MDL Roundup 2023 Q4 - Not All Cases Survive and Advance

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Welcome to the Class Action & MDL Roundup, our quarterly review of decisions and settlements in the class action arena. In this edition, student-athletes win an NIL round, Canadians in California isn’t personal...more

Womble Bond Dickinson

Voice Analysis Complicates Personal Privacy

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Most biometric readings require your presence in the same space as the measuring tools.  Facial recognition, retinal capture, fingerprints or hand geometry, even biomarked scents are measured in close physical proximity. The...more

Womble Bond Dickinson

States Gear Up to Limit Use of Biometrics and Biological Data

Womble Bond Dickinson on

This may be the year when the limitation of biometric capture goes national. Right now, companies using biometrics are driven by one state law, but others could soon join....more

American Conference Institute (ACI)

[Virtual Event] Advertising & Marketing Law - January 19th - 21st, 8:15 am - 1:15 pm EST

Be part of this renowned event which shape the law, policy and proceedings of Canadian advertising and marketing law. Attend the Canadian Institute’s 27th Annual Virtual Conference on Advertising & Marketing Law to delve...more

Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P.

Florida’s Proposed Privacy Legislation: An In-Depth Analysis for Corporate Counsel

The Florida Senate and House of Representatives are considering two bills (SB 1670 and HB 963) that, if adopted, will amend Florida law to create the state’s first comprehensive privacy law (though they do not go nearly as...more

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