News & Analysis as of

Biometric Information Statutory Damages Consent

Roetzel & Andress

Illinois Enacts Major Biometric Privacy Reform: What You Need to Know

Roetzel & Andress on

Governor J.B. Pritzker has signed Senate Bill 2979 into law, significantly amending the Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA), yet retaining the availability of statutory damages that have been so problematic for current...more

Fisher Phillips

Breaking BIPA News: Illinois Curtails Massive Damage Awards in Biometric Cases

Fisher Phillips on

Nearly one and a half years after the Illinois Supreme Court saddled businesses with the potential for massive damage awards under the state’s landmark biometric law, Governor J.B. Pritzker just signed into law amendments...more


Year In Review: 2023 BIPA Litigation Takeaways

WilmerHale on

This post is part of a series of articles we are doing on 2023 data protection litigation trends. Since its enactment in 2008, Illinois’s Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) has produced a wave of privacy-related...more

Proskauer - New Media & Technology

Biometrics: Facebook Files Motion to Dismiss Privacy Suit over Facial Recognition Technology

As discussed in a previous post on facial recognition technology, a putative class action has been filed against Facebook over the collection of “faceprints” for its online photo tagging function, Tag Suggestions. (See e.g.,...more

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