News & Analysis as of

Biometric Information Statutory Violations Corporate Counsel

Clark Hill PLC

End of the BIPA Era? Federal Court Rules BIPA Amendment Applies Retroactively

Clark Hill PLC on

On Nov. 13, Judge Elaine Bucklo of the United States Court for the Northern District of Illinois ruled that the Illinois legislature’s recent amendment to the Illinois Biometric Privacy Act (BIPA) limiting the damages...more


Year In Review: 2023 BIPA Litigation Takeaways

WilmerHale on

This post is part of a series of articles we are doing on 2023 data protection litigation trends. Since its enactment in 2008, Illinois’s Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) has produced a wave of privacy-related...more

Gould + Ratner LLP

Illinois Supreme Court Finds Insurance Coverage for Alleged Violations of BIPA

Gould + Ratner LLP on

The Illinois Supreme Court ruled late last week in favor of a company seeking insurance coverage for defense of a lawsuit alleging the company had violated the Illinois Biometric Privacy Act (BIPA). The ruling in the case,...more

Foley & Lardner LLP

BIPA in Review: Recapping the Seventh Circuit’s Article III Standing Decisions

Foley & Lardner LLP on

Last Thursday, the Seventh Circuit issued its fourth opinion in two years addressing Article III standing in the context of Illinois’s Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA). The court handed the plaintiff in Thornley v....more

Fisher Phillips

The Illinois Biometric Landscape Gets Even Tougher For Employers

Fisher Phillips on

The Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) has proven to be a significant burden on Illinois employers, and a recent Illinois federal court decision may have made the legal landscape even more difficult. In Cothron...more

Proskauer - New Media & Technology

Finding Article III Standing, Ninth Circuit Declines to Do an About-Face in Illinois Biometric Privacy Class Action against...

In an important opinion, the Ninth Circuit affirmed a lower court’s ruling that plaintiffs in the ongoing Facebook biometric privacy class action have alleged a concrete injury-in-fact to confer Article III standing and that...more

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