News & Analysis as of

Biometric Information Tracking Systems Data Protection

Jackson Lewis P.C.

Privacy Versus Cyber – What is the Bigger Risk?

Jackson Lewis P.C. on

“Cybersecurity” has emerged as one of top risks facing organizations. Considering the steady stream of massive data breaches affecting millions (sometimes billions), the debilitating effects of ransomware on an organization’s...more


Q2 - 2023: Data Privacy & Cybersecurity Quarterly Briefing

Benesch on

Efforts to Address the Lack of Federal Data Privacy Legislation in the U.S. Have Continued - The need for federal data privacy legislation was reiterated in the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on...more

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

Baltimore Blows By Brother Burghs with Big Biometrics Ban

Baltimore recently prohibited several uses of “face surveillance” technology. Under the new law companies cannot use systems that identify or verify individuals based on their face. The law also prohibits saving information...more

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