The Privacy Insider Podcast Episode 4: Don't Be Evil: In the Hot Seat of Data Privacy, Part 1
REFRESH Nonprofit Basics: Director Duties and Best Practices for the Typical Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation
REFRESH Nonprofit Basics: Designators, Members, Directors, Officers - The Who’s Who of Nonprofit Governance
“Monsters, Inc.” y el buen gobierno corporativo
Market Leaders Podcast Episode 94: Exploring the Perils of Optics-Driven DEI Initiatives with Guest Mira Dewji
AGG Talks: Cross-Border Business Podcast - Episode 16: The Political and Legal Maze of ESG in the U.S. and Abroad
Episode 322 -- Checking in on Caremark Cases
Compliance into the Weeds: What Are Boards Doing About AI (Hint: Not Much)
Conflictos de interés en Colombia, nueva regulación
The Informed Board Podcast | CEO Succession Planning on a Clear Day
Podcast - Deberes fiduciarios de los administradores
Innovation in Compliance - Diligent 5-Part Series - Building a Stronger Culture of Compliance Through Targeted and Effective Training: Part 5 - The Role of the Board
One Month to a More Effective Compliance Program with Boards – Day 14 - Boards and Doing Business in China
One Month to a More Effective Compliance Program with Boards - Day 9 - Board Governance and Risk Oversight
One Month to a More Effective Compliance Program with Boards – Day 5 - OIG Guidance for Boards Regarding Compliance
Nonprofit Basics: Meeting Minutes Best Practices
One Month to a More Effective Compliance Program with Boards - Day 1 - Legal Requirements of the Board Regarding Compliance
Innovation in Compliance - Key Board Issues Going Forward with Christina Bresani
Compliance into the Weeds - McDonald’s and Duty of Corporate Officer Oversight
In the Boardroom With Resnick and Fuller - Episode 3
The two most common forms of legal entities incorporated in Brazil are the limited liability company (“Limitada”) and the corporation (“S.A.”). These are considered the most attractive types of companies given that they are...more
TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTITIES - There are a number of business structures to choose from when starting a new business venture in Australia. Investors need to determine which form of business organisation is the most...more
Types of business entities - The most common types of legal entities adopted in Argentina are the limited liability company (“Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada” or “SRL”), the corporation (“Sociedad Anónima” or “SA”)...more
1. INTRODUCTION - Given that Uganda was a British colony, the English legal system and law are predominant in Uganda. Uganda's legal system is based on English Common Law and African customary law. However, customary law...more
1. TYPES OF BUSINES ENTITIES - 1.1 Description of the types of entities available in each jurisdiction through which to conduct business - • Limited companies: Corporation and Limited Liability Company - When...more
Introduction to Taiwan - In less than 50 years starting from 1949, Taiwan went from an agriculture-based economy to being an economic powerhouse and leader in the field of high-tech goods. Its Gross Domestic Product...more
Registration of Business Entities - Unless exempted, business entities must be registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) via their business filing portal: BizFile+. A foreigner residing...more
1. Types of Business Entities - Italian law provides multiple forms of organizational structures to do business in Italy. They differ from one another due to the extent of liability undertaken by its members. In...more
1. Types of Business Entities - • Description of the types of entities available in each jurisdiction through which to conduct business - Business may be conducted in France either through a French branch of a foreign...more
The attractiveness of the United Kingdom as a business location is unabated. There are many advantages to doing business in the UK. Investors can draw on a skilled workforce and access a large market; costs of labour and...more
1 TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTITIES - There are several forms of business entities in Denmark and there are a wide range of possibilities for establishing a business entity in Denmark. The most suitable entity depends on a...more
1. Types of business entities - Investors may choose from the following forms of corporate structure: - Limited liability company - Joint-stock company - Limited liability partnership - General partnership ...more
The two most common forms of legal entities incorporated in Brazil are the limited liability company (“Limitada”) and the corporation (“S.A.”). These are considered the most attractive types of companies given that they ...more
Types of business entities - The two most common types of legal entities adopted in Argentina are the limited liability company (“Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada” or “SRL”) and the corporation (“Sociedad Anónima” or...more
1. Types of Business Entities - 1.1 Premises - The Italian law provides multiple forms of organizational structures in order to do business in Italy, which differ from one another due to the extent of the liability...more
While there are a few different forms of “corporate” entities in Israel, this guide will focus on companies and partnerships as these are the entities that the non-Israeli businessman is most likely to set up or invest in if...more
1. Types of Business Entities - The main business entities in Greece are the following: i) the Société Anonyme (S.A.); ii) the Private Company (P.C.); iii) the Limited Liability Company (Ltd); iv) the General Partnership...more
1. Types of business entities - Investors may choose from the following forms of corporate structure: - Limited liability company - Joint-stock company - Limited liability partnership - General partnership -...more
1. Types of Business Entities in Costa Rica - The most common types of business entities in Costa Rica are Corporations, known as Sociedades Anónimas (also referred to as “S.A.”), and Limited Liability Companies, known as...more