The Privacy Insider Podcast Episode 4: Don't Be Evil: In the Hot Seat of Data Privacy, Part 1
REFRESH Nonprofit Basics: Director Duties and Best Practices for the Typical Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation
REFRESH Nonprofit Basics: Designators, Members, Directors, Officers - The Who’s Who of Nonprofit Governance
“Monsters, Inc.” y el buen gobierno corporativo
Market Leaders Podcast Episode 94: Exploring the Perils of Optics-Driven DEI Initiatives with Guest Mira Dewji
AGG Talks: Cross-Border Business Podcast - Episode 16: The Political and Legal Maze of ESG in the U.S. and Abroad
Episode 322 -- Checking in on Caremark Cases
Compliance into the Weeds: What Are Boards Doing About AI (Hint: Not Much)
Conflictos de interés en Colombia, nueva regulación
The Informed Board Podcast | CEO Succession Planning on a Clear Day
Podcast - Deberes fiduciarios de los administradores
Innovation in Compliance - Diligent 5-Part Series - Building a Stronger Culture of Compliance Through Targeted and Effective Training: Part 5 - The Role of the Board
One Month to a More Effective Compliance Program with Boards – Day 14 - Boards and Doing Business in China
One Month to a More Effective Compliance Program with Boards - Day 9 - Board Governance and Risk Oversight
One Month to a More Effective Compliance Program with Boards – Day 5 - OIG Guidance for Boards Regarding Compliance
Nonprofit Basics: Meeting Minutes Best Practices
One Month to a More Effective Compliance Program with Boards - Day 1 - Legal Requirements of the Board Regarding Compliance
Innovation in Compliance - Key Board Issues Going Forward with Christina Bresani
Compliance into the Weeds - McDonald’s and Duty of Corporate Officer Oversight
In the Boardroom With Resnick and Fuller - Episode 3
When a public company faces significant financial challenges and uncertainty, the pressure on management teams and boards of directors to make the “right” decisions intensifies. If those financial challenges are not...more
Inflationary pressures and increasing interest rates are expected to continue to have a negative impact on the global economy during 2023. In this article we consider restructuring options under BVI law available to companies...more
In Short - The Situation: Directors in England and Wales owe duties to the companies to which they are appointed (and may face personal liability for breaching such duties). Although the Companies Act 2006 obliges...more
Economic downturns can put both companies and their boards to the test. An important judgment from the U.K. Supreme Court in October 2022, the Sequana case,1 clarifies the obligations of directors of a company facing the...more
Actions Against Directors, Officers Common After Chapter 11 Bulk-Asset Sales Leave Nothing to Recover- In the event of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, creditors often look to recover funds by individually targeting directors or...more
Most restructuring professionals will tell you that there is no “typical” restructuring. That is absolutely true. Every financially distressed business is different and the character and direction of its restructuring will be...more
In this week’s episode, Andrea Cunha outlines some of the key considerations directors and officers should assess when their company is approaching insolvency, including how to evaluate financial distress of the company, the...more
Der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) hat mit Urteil vom 18. November 2020 (IV ZR 217/19) entschieden, dass Ansprüche gegen GmbH-Geschäftsführer auf Ersatz von Zahlungen, die nach Insolvenzreife vorgenommen wurden, vom...more
Practical Strategies for Board Oversight of Government-Owned Entities and Agencies. The CI’s 16th Annual Conference on Crown Corporate Governance returns in a completely interactive virtual format to help you navigate a...more
Multinational boards are facing a major dilemma in response to COVID and its impact on their business forecasting. Many companies are facing insolvency and are left to decide how to approach bankruptcy proceedings. We’re...more
Board Decision Making in a Down Cycle - The last several months have been unprecedented in terms of how quickly and drastically business environments have changed. With widespread uncertainty and financial distress...more
A company or group's financial distress causes significant turmoil for its owners, directors, managers, employees and often its suppliers and other creditors. For directors in particular, there are significant...more
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented economic disruption at virtually every level of a business, from alarming declines in demand and revenue, operational and supply chain problems , employee issues, roadblocks to...more
Fixed-wing leasing companies should consider six tips for navigating a possible restructuring precipitated by the COVID-19 crisis. About a year ago, I completed the most exhausting marathon of my life serving as the chief...more
The COVID-19 crisis is having a very substantial impact on many businesses. On a daily basis, they are struggling to continue their operations while facing mounting economic losses and ongoing cash flow shortfalls. A number...more
Although different in some important respects and rapidly evolving, the global pandemic shares many of the characteristics of other broadscale crisis situations that prior boards of directors have confronted and managed...more