News & Analysis as of

Board of Directors General Corporation Law Conversion

Allen Matkins

Nevada's Secretary Of State Urges Delaware Supreme Court To Eschew "Exit Tax"

Allen Matkins on

In a May post, I observed: As a long-time beneficiary of corporations fleeing other jurisdictions, Delaware may be tempted to put the brakes on its own corporations wishing to flee to the sunny uplands of other states. ...more

Allen Matkins

Israel Headquarted Company Approves Move From Delaware To Nevada

Allen Matkins on

As the debate continues regarding DExit, I have been on the lookout for companies making the move from Delaware to Nevada.  Recently, I came across this information statement filed by Viewbix Inc., a digital advertising...more

Allen Matkins

Are Recent Delaware Decisions Causing Corporations To Look For The Exit?

Allen Matkins on

Delaware's website boldly asserts "The DGCL [Delaware General Corporation Law] offers predictability and stability."  I have somewhat waggishly observed, however, that you can read the DGCL cover to cover and still no very...more

Venable LLP

Fiduciary Liability Limitations Under Nevada Law Trigger Entire Fairness Review of Conversion from Delaware Due to Controlling...

Venable LLP on

The Delaware Court of Chancery, in Palkon v. Maffei, et al., C.A. No. 2023-0449-JTL (Del. Ch. Feb. 20, 2024), determined that a reduction in the liability exposure of a fiduciary due to the conversion of a Delaware...more

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