Fashion Counsel: Privacy in the Retail Fashion Industry
Mia Reini and Monica Lopez Reinmiller on a Risk-Based Approach to Managing Employee Hotlines
The FTC Better Online Ticket Sales Act (“BOTS Act” or the “Act”)) prohibits the circumvention of a security measure, access control system, or other technological control measure used online by a ticket issuer. The Act also...more
I recently sat down with the Restaurant Technology Network to discuss some of the many concerns people have regarding chatbots, and the legislation that governs them. Here are some of the key points we talked about:...more
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently initiated an enforcement sweep called Operation AI Comply against several companies that allegedly “relied on artificial intelligence as a way to supercharge deceptive or unfair...more
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming ubiquitous across sectors, and the financial services industry is no exception. With the rise of AI, there is also an increase in scrutiny by regulators over its use....more
The CFPB is expected to initiate a rulemaking process that would require companies under its jurisdiction to let customers talk to a human by pressing a single button. The CFPB also has plans to issue rules or guidance...more
The Biden Administration wants to crack down on corporate practices that it believes waste consumers’ time and money through excessive paperwork, long wait times, and other aggravations – and you’ll want to take note so you...more
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued a cautionary note to companies that employ artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots, signaling heightened scrutiny over their use. Through a series of blog posts in the past year,...more
The FTC Act grants the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) significant authority to create tailored rules and guidance protecting consumers across various aspects including advertising and privacy. When it comes to AI chatbots...more
The Federal Trade Commission has posted a new Business Blog highlighting five important don'ts for companies employing AI-powered chatbots...more
While the US does not have some specific AI-focused law a host of regulators have been providing their thoughts about AI. Noticeable traction on the topic began in 2020. With the explosion of ChatGPT in 2023, commentary (and...more
As many who are keeping track of generative AI developments are aware, the FTC recently announced that it is investigating OpenAI’s ChatGPT product. For the privacy practitioner this investigation is important given that...more
“Hey, how do we contract with a virtual influencer?” – Marketing. In-house Legal Friends: If you haven’t received this email yet, you will soon. The use of hyper-realistic virtual influencers to endorse products is no...more
You may be Entitled to Financial Compensation…for Your Data - “Without all of our writings and photos that AI companies are using to train their models, they would have nothing to sell.” Why this is important: This...more
In April, we wrote about how OpenAI had eased the procedure by which ChatGPT users can opt out of their inputs being used for model training purposes (click here for that post). While neither web scraping nor the collection...more
The Investigation - The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently opened an investigation into OpenAI, creator of ChatGPT, to determine whether the artificial intelligence company violated consumer protections laws. According...more
CFPB - Regulators Take Aim at AI to Protect Consumers and Workers - “In the past year, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau said it has fined banks over mismanaged automated systems that resulted in wrongful home...more
While you were asking ChatGPT to create a 3-course menu for the upcoming book club you’re hosting or to explain the Rule Against Perpetuities, several federal government agencies announced initiatives related to the use of...more
As artificial intelligence systems such as ChatGPT and Midjourney have become increasingly prominent, so have concerns about the effects that such programs may have on the economy and society at large. With more businesses...more
2023, governments across the world have a renewed focus on regulating the use of artificial intelligence (“AI”). Within the United States, a patchwork of state regulation concerning AI has emerged—a trend that is likely to...more
This week, in addition to the news-catching, ongoing dispute between Twitter and Elon Musk, Twitter’s former head of cybersecurity, Peiter Zatko, claimed in a whistleblower filing with several federal agencies that Twitter...more
On May 24th, the FTC launched an inquiry into the ongoing infant formula shortage and issued a solicitation for public comment with regards to the same. In a statement released along with the announcement of the inquiry, FTC...more
Two recent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforcement actions reflect increased scrutiny of companies using algorithms, automated processes, and/or AI-enabled applications. In January 2021, the agency announced it had settled...more
We have previously blogged about the rise of computer generated imagery (CGI) influencers, which are one form of social media bots currently invading the online world. Bots are automated software that perform actions using a...more
Bumble Settles over Multistate Dating Lawsuit - Company allegedly renewed services without consent - All the Young Dudes - For a while there, online dating was beginning to look IRLish. ...more
On July 1, California became the first state in the country to require that “bots” reveal their “artificial identity” when they are used for certain commercial and political purposes. The law does not provide for a private...more