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Hinshaw & Culbertson - Employment Law...

New York City Amends Lactation Room Accommodation Policy Requirements

New York City recently enacted a local law amending the New York City Human Rights Law relating to an employer's obligation to implement and distribute a written lactation room accommodation policy. ...more

Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP

Expanded Protections for Nursing and Pregnant Employees in New York

New York and New York City have recently passed laws expanding benefits for pregnant and postpartum employees. These laws provide for additional paid time off for prenatal care and paid lactation breaks in the workplace....more

Epstein Becker & Green

Time Is Money: A Quick Wage-Hour Tip on … FLSA Protections for Nursing Mothers

Epstein Becker & Green on

With more than 24 million mothers with children under the age of 18 in the U.S. workforce, many of whom breastfeed their children, it is important for employers to understand the break time and pumping space protections...more

Mandelbaum Barrett PC

Paid Lactation Breaks Are Now Mandatory In New York

Mandelbaum Barrett PC on

Effective June 19, 2024, all employees in the State of New York have the right to paid break time to express breast milk. Specifically, N.Y. Labor Law § 206-c1 provides that “an employer shall provide paid break time for...more

Clark Hill PLC

Lactation Accommodation Results in Misconduct Firing, Tenth Circuit Affirms

Clark Hill PLC on

Here’s an interesting case that at first blush appears to be an accommodations case, but on a deeper dive is a workplace misconduct case. In Spagnolia v. Charter Communications LLC, The Tenth Circuit Appeals affirmed the...more

Fisher Phillips

Olympic Moms Are Changing the Game and So Can You: 5 Ways Employers Can Support the Olympic Feat of Balancing Work and Family

Fisher Phillips on

The Paris 2024 Summer Olympics are officially here, and this year is full of milestones – from the Olympic debut of “breaking” (you may call it breakdancing) to equal participation rates by male and female athletes for the...more

Kelley Drye & Warren LLP

NY Employers Will Pay For Lactation Breaks and Prenatal Leave and the State Ends COVID-19 Sick Leave

Governor Kathy Hochul recently signed the New York State Budget for fiscal year 2025. The budget includes bills enacting paid lactation breaks and paid prenatal leave, as well as ending paid COVID-19 leave....more

Fisher Phillips

New York Employers Must Provide Paid Lactation Breaks: 4 Key Takeaways

Fisher Phillips on

Nursing employees now have the right to paid break time to express breast milk during the workday under a New York State law that took effect June 19. This move underscores Governor Hochul’s push for legislation supporting...more

Epstein Becker & Green

Act Now: New York Employers Must Provide Paid Lactation Breaks to Employees

All New York employers are now required to provide 30-minute paid lactation breaks following a recent amendment to Labor Law § 206-c. New York State has long required employers to support working mothers by providing...more

Bond Schoeneck & King PLLC

New York State Requires Paid Lactation Breaks

Effective June 19, 2024, New York State Labor Law Section 206-c requires all private and public employers to provide 30 minutes of paid break time for employees to express breast milk when the employee has a reasonable need...more


New York Now Requires Paid Lactation Breaks

Littler on

Effective June 19, 2024, New York employers will be required to provide up to 30 minutes of paid lactation breaks to employees each time an employee has a reasonable need to express breast milk at work. This change to New...more

Proskauer - Law and the Workplace

Reminder: NYS Paid Lactation Break Requirement Effective June 19

Effective June 19, 2024, the New York State Labor Law (“NYSLL”) is amended to require employers to provide 30 minutes of paid break time for breast milk expression. As we previously reported, the amendment was signed...more

Epstein Becker & Green

EEOC Final Rule Implementing the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Ignites Lawsuits from 19 States

Epstein Becker & Green on

Less than one week after the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC” or the “Commission”) published its final rule (“Final Rule”) and interpretive guidance to implement the  Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA),...more

Quarles & Brady LLP

The PWFA Regulations Have Arrived: What to Expect When Your Employees Are Expecting

Quarles & Brady LLP on

When it was enacted in June 2023, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (“PWFA”) became the first law enforced by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) to require that employers provide pregnancy-related...more


A Changing Landscape: New York Adds Paid Breastmilk Expression Breaks and Prenatal Leave, and Removes COVID-related Paid Sick...

Kilpatrick on

Over the next year, the landscape of leave and break laws is changing in New York. We’ve outlined a few highlights and key dates below....more

Poyner Spruill LLP

EEOC Unveils Final PWFA Guidelines

Poyner Spruill LLP on

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released its final regulations and interpretative guidance implementing the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) on April 15, 2024. The Guidance will be effective on June 18,...more

Robinson+Cole Manufacturing Law Blog

One Year Later: An Update on the PUMP Act and Right to Express Milk at Work

In just over a year following its enactment, employees across the country have filed a bevy of lawsuits, including class actions, alleging violations of the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act (PUMP...more

Fisher Phillips

Key Updates for Employers in New York State: What Made the Budget and What Got Cut?

Fisher Phillips on

Employers should get ready to comply with key workplace changes since New York lawmakers just finalized the state budget. The 2024-2025 budget – which was approved on April 20 – ushers in three significant updates impacting...more

Dickinson Wright

A New Era of Maternity Rights: Understanding the PWFA and the PUMP Act

Dickinson Wright on

Within the past year, the rights of pregnant workers have considerably increased within the workplace. The expansion started with the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (“PWFA”), which President Biden signed into law in late 2022....more


UPDATE: Congress Enacts New Protections for Pregnant and Nursing Workers

Benesch on

The validity of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (“PWFA”) is being questioned less than one year after it went into effect. On February 27, 2024, a federal judge for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas...more

A&O Shearman

Summary of 2024 Amendments to the Equality Act 2010

A&O Shearman on

We are kicking off 2024 with an examination, over a series of blog posts, of some important developments in equality and discrimination law, including legislative changes, updated EHRC guidance on employer duties to take...more

McGlinchey Stafford

10 Employee Handbook Resolutions for 2024

McGlinchey Stafford on

The start of a new year is always a good time to reevaluate the employee handbook to ensure it covers all the relevant legal and practical topics in the modern workplace. The following are 10 “Handbook Resolutions” for...more

Poyner Spruill LLP

[Hybrid Event] Employment & Employee Benefits Seminar - February 7th, Durham, NC

Poyner Spruill LLP on

Join us in person or virtually on Wednesday, February 7 for an All-Day Employment and Employee Benefits Seminar. You’ll hear from Poyner Spruill attorneys about trending topics in employment and employee benefits. We aim to...more

Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Changes the Game for Expectant Mothers in the Workplace

This past year has brought with it expanded employment protections for new and expectant working mothers. These protections, in the form of two federal laws, alter the landscape for how employers can consider the needs of...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Fly High (and Out of the EEOC’s Eye) by Updating Your Policies on Pregnancy Accommodation and Lactation

Everyone has been preparing for the recently enacted Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and the PUMP Act. Earlier this month the EEOC gave us another reason to make sure our policies are up to snuff. Frontier Airlines and the EEOC...more

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