News & Analysis as of

Broker-Dealer Structured Financial Products

Mayer Brown Free Writings + Perspectives

FINRA Sanctions Broker-Dealer for Failure to Supervise Recommendations of Structured Notes

A broker-dealer failed to reasonably supervise its registered representatives when making recommendations of certain variable rate structured products (“VRSPs”), including fixed to floating rate steepeners and other variable...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts: News for the Financial Services Community, Volume 10, Issue 6

In this issue of Structured Thoughts, we discuss: ..European Commission consultation on EU benchmark regulation ..FINRA: Suitability and sales practices remain an issue ..SEC charges Switzerland-based dealer for selling...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts: News for the Financial Services Community, Volume 10, Issue 5

In this issue of Structured Thoughts, we discuss: ..FINRA sanctions for a broker for failing to reasonably supervise sales of complex securities. ..NASAA’s report warning about the risks of leveraged and/or inverse...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts: News for the Financial Services Community, Volume 10, Issue 3

In this issue of Structured Thoughts, we discuss: ..New Regulation Best Interest, and its impact on the structured products market. ..The SEC’ June 2019 request for comment on simplifying, harmonizing and improving the...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts: News for the financial services community Volume 9, Issue 6

SEC FINES BROKER-DEALER FOR UNSUITABLE SALES OF LEVERAGED ETNS - In September 2018, the SEC fined a New York-based broker-dealer in connection with unsuitable sales of leveraged ETNs linked to the price of crude oil. ...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts: News for the financial services community Volume 9, Issue 2

FINRA 2018 EXAM PRIORITIES: SUITABILITY AND COMPLEX PRODUCTS REMAIN FRONT AND CENTER - In January 2018, FINRA released its annual examination priorities letter.1 The letter addresses a variety of areas that are important...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts: News for the financial services community, Volume 8, Issue 7

LIBOR: The End Game - Since the announcement on July 27, 2017 by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (the FCA) that the LIBOR rate would be phased out after 2021, much has been written about the complications of switching...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts: News for the financial services community, Volume 8, Issue 4

FINRA’s Proposed Amendments to the Corporate Financing Rules – Impact on Structured Notes - In April 2017, FINRA released a set of significant proposed amendments to its Rule 5110, known as the “Corporate Financing Rule.” ...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts: News for the financial services community, Volume 8, Issue 2

Identifying Conflicts of Interest in Structured Products Offerings - With FINRA and other regulators focused on conflicts of interest in the broker-dealer industry, market participants are working diligently to identify...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts: News for the financial services community, Volume 7, Issue 8

Brexit and Structured Products: A Framework for Considering Disclosures - The U.K.’s recent referendum to withdraw from the European Union has affected virtually all segments of the financial industry. The structured...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts: News for the financial services community, Special Issue: Implications of the DOL Fiduciary Rule for...

On April 6, 2016, the Department of Labor (“DOL”) issued its final conflict of interest regulations, which significantly expand who is considered a fiduciary when dealing with a retirement account. The new regulations,...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts: News for the financial services community, Volume 7, Issue 4

Structured Product Sales at Bank Branches: Networking- Arrangement Rules - Many broker-dealers engaged in the structured products industry are affiliates of large U.S. banks, which have a significant customer footprint. ...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts: News for the financial services community, Volume 7, Issue 3

Structured Product Sales at Bank Branches: Networking- Arrangement Rules - Many broker-dealers engaged in the structured products industry are affiliates of large U.S. banks, which have a significant customer footprint....more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts: News for the financial services community, Volume 7, Issue 2

Is There a Standard Form of Rule 144A Representation Letter? - My file of Rule 144A representation letters has been growing fatter, and I‘m not sure why. I would have hoped that by now there would be just one great...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts: News for the financial services community, Volume 6, Issue 7

Structured Products Offerings and Research Reports: Introduction - Structured products are sold by broker-dealers, many of which are affiliates of large investment banks. The equity research group of the same...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts: News for the financial services community, Volume 6, Issue 6

U.S. Structured Warrant Programs: Introduction - U.S. and non-U.S. banks have offered structured warrants in the U.S. to address the needs of both institutional and high-net worth investors. This article will...more

Burr & Forman

OCIE Warns on Suitability in Retail Sales of Structured Products

Burr & Forman on

The SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (“OCIE”) issued a recent “Risk Alert” noting observed deficiencies in broker-dealer supervision and compliance controls over retail sales of structured products –...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts: Volume 5, Issue 8 - December 2014

In This Issue: - Key Regulators Speak at Structured Products Conference - FINRA Shows Its CARDS; It Will Use Big Data to Review Suitability of Complex Products Sales - FINRA’s Proposed Bond Mark-up...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts -- Volume 4, Issue 8 -- May 15, 2013

In This Issue: Due Diligence Procedures for Structured Note Distributors; Key Issues for Yankee CDs; The SEC and FINRA: Protect Your Elders; The FSOC’s 2013 Annual Report: Increasing Exchange-Traded Product Activity;...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Structured Products

Structured Thoughts -- Volume 4, Issue 5 -- April 12, 2013

In This Issue: FINRA’s 2013 Communication Rules and Revisions to MSDAs; Regulation R and Bank Sales of Structured Products; FCA Temporary Product; and Intervention Rules: Nipping It in the Bud. Excerpt from...more

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