News & Analysis as of

Buying a Business

DarrowEverett LLP

Balancing the Scales: Purchase Price Adjustments in M&A Transactions

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In the complex world of business transactions, particularly mergers and acquisitions (M&A), purchase price adjustments are a critical concept that help ensure fairness and accuracy in the final transaction price. Purchase...more

McDermott Will & Emery

Key Considerations for Alcohol Suppliers in M&A Transactions

As one of the most heavily regulated sectors in the United States, almost no aspect of the alcohol industry is untouched by regulatory considerations, including mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Whether it is a venture...more

DarrowEverett LLP

Winning at M&A in 2025: The Insider’s Playbook

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As an avid Red Sox fan and former Los Angeles resident who often attended Dodgers games, I may still be basking in the Yankees’ loss in the World Series. Whatever the reason, I can’t help but draw parallels between the game...more

Mandelbaum Barrett PC

Essential Guide to Buying a Pet Care Facility: Key Steps for a Successful Purchase

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Purchasing a pet care facility, whether it’s a boarding kennel, grooming salon, or daycare, can be an exciting venture for animal lovers and entrepreneurs alike. However, buying this type of business requires careful planning...more

Mayer Brown

A Delaware Law Alert: M&A Disputes

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Two recent Delaware Superior Court opinions are essential reading for M&A practitioners drafting language with respect to how disputes related to purchase price adjustments, earnouts, and other accounting-related...more

PilieroMazza PLLC

[Webinar] Navigating M&A in the Manufacturing Industry: Strategies for Success - October 17th, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET

PilieroMazza PLLC on

If you’re a government contractor in the manufacturing industry looking to buy or sell your business, there are specific concerns you should be aware of to protect your interests. This webinar will guide you through legal and...more


Net Working Capital & Purchase Price Adjustments In M&A Deals

Whiteford on

Net Working Capital (“NWC”) targets and purchase price adjustments are a nearly universal reality in private M&A deals, though often a neglected and misunderstood topic. To greatly simplify, the NWC target is the minimum...more

Tonkon Torp LLP

You’re Not the Boss Anymore

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It’s nice to get paid. Giving up control of your business? Well… that’s a different story. On closing the sale of a business, owners realize a dramatic financial return on their investment. However, few buyers are willing to...more

Goulston & Storrs PC

Key Takeaways: 2023 ABA Private Target Mergers & Acquisitions Deal Points Study

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The Private Target Mergers & Acquisitions Deal Points Study (“the Study”) is published on a bi-annual basis by the Market Trends Subcommittee of the ABA Business Law Section’s M&A Committee, which I am happy to serve on. The...more

Hendershot Cowart P.C.

Retaining Key Employees In M&A Transactions

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For potential buyers in a business merger or acquisition, the loss of key employees is a significant risk. That’s especially true in small- to medium-sized businesses, where critical roles and proprietary business insight can...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Time to Sell? Are You and Your Company Prepared to Go After the Elusive Pot of Gold?

After devoting long hours and years of hard work in building their companies, majority owners of private businesses may reach a point where they consider whether it is time for them to sell. This large question – Is now the...more

Bricker Graydon LLP

[Event] Minority Business Accelerator Acquisition Reception - April 11th, Cincinnati, OH

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Join us for a special cocktail reception hosted at Bricker Graydon Law to learn more about the MBA Fund I, a new equity capital fund to support business acquisitions and growth capital for minority entrepreneurs. The launch...more

Venable LLP

Earnouts and Their Tax Treatment

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As buyers and sellers engage in negotiations for the sale of a business, often there may be disagreements as to the value and expected growth of that business. One party might currently value the business higher than the...more

Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLC

Selling a business in the current high-deal volume environment

Selling a business in any environment can be challenging when planning is not addressed early in the M&A process. The challenges are heightened in the current environment where buyers are looking at multiple potential deals...more

Kohrman Jackson & Krantz LLP

What to Know When Buying or Selling a Cannabis Business

As more states legalize cannabis and the industry experiences ongoing growth, we are witnessing a rising trend of acquisitions and sales within this sector. While buying and selling a business is a complex process for any...more

DarrowEverett LLP

Til Death Do Us Part? Corporate Divorce Can Be Messy, But Not for the Prepared

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While no one enters a partnership expecting it to end in divorce, no one is immune to failure. In the world of business, partnerships can sometimes mirror the complexities of personal relationships. Often, it is the “we’ve...more

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

Buyer Beware: Delaware Courts Continue to Refuse to Enforce Deal-Based Non-Competes

In a blog earlier this year, we discussed the Delaware Chancery Court’s refusal to enforce a sale of business non-compete in Kodiak Building Partners, LLC v Adams. We wondered then whether Kodiak represented a one-off...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Buying Distressed Operations in the Skilled Nursing Facility Space

The “Nursing Home Covid-19 Data Dashboard” maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that COVID-19 had an unusually intense impact on the long term care community. Cases among nursing home...more

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

7 Key Value-Adding LOI Terms

A well-crafted letter of intent (“LOI”) adds value for the negotiating principals by helping to ensure the parties are in agreement on key deal terms before they spend significant time and money on diligence and definitive...more

Baker Donelson

Delaware Invalidates a Selling Stockholder's Non-Compete Covenant: What the Kodiak Building Partners, LLC v. Philip D. Adams...

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In drafting restrictive covenants, acquiring companies should be aware that courts may not necessarily uphold, or even "blue pencil" (revise overbroad restrictive covenants), restrictive covenants imposed on sellers in an...more

CDF Labor Law LLP

[Webinar] Tackling Key California Labor and Employment Law Issues in Acquisitions & Mergers - August 30th, 9:30 am - 11:00 am PT

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CDF Labor Law LLP presents an interactive panel discussion that will cover California transactional and employment law issues triggered by mergers and acquisitions. Richard Weintraub, of Weintraub Law Group, will share his 40...more

Goulston & Storrs PC

Target Counsel Legal Opinions (UPDATED)

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Market Trends: What You Need to Know - One of the most pronounced practice-related trends in private company merger and acquisition transactions is the near-disappearance of target legal opinions as a closing deliverable. ...more

Goulston & Storrs PC

The 'Materiality Scrape'

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Market Trends: What You Need to Know - Over the past 15+ years covered by the ABA studies, materiality scrapes have morphed from being a somewhat uncommon provision, seen in about 14% of transactions in 2005, to...more

Allen Matkins

Theories Of Successor Liability When Incorporating An Existing Business

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How Do I Hold You Liable?  Let Me Count The Ways . . . When the owner(s) incorporate an existing business, the corporation is not necessarily a tabula rasa with respect to the creditors of the business being...more

Foster Swift Collins & Smith

A Brief Legal Guide to Buying a Distressed Business

Earlier in the pandemic, our team identified the economic crisis caused by COVID-19 as a growth opportunity for businesses with the vision and the resources to take advantage. One such opportunity is the chance to diversify...more

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