BVI Companies and M&A
The Advantages of BVI Funds and How to Set One Up
Practical Tips for BVI Finance Transactions
Economic Substance: Practical Advice 3 Years On …
A Practical BVI Guide to Crypto, Tokens and VASPs
Recent Changes to BVI Company Law: What You Need to Know
There have recently been a number of amendments to BVI company law. While many of these amendments are technical and will not have a material impact on clients, there are some key changes of which clients should be aware...more
Our British Virgin Islands office’s most popular publications provided valuable insights on doing business in the jurisdiction, effective asset recovery tools, strategies for addressing modern legal challenges, corporate...more
In Bermuda, our most popular posts and publications provided updates from our Corporate practice, particularly regulatory changes and insurance insights, along with reflections on private client matters and litigation....more
As the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands is set to close for 2024, we reflect on some of the large-scale cross-border insolvency and restructuring proceedings and complex commercial disputes dealt with in the jurisdiction...more
For family offices, high-net-worth individuals (HNWI) and ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHNWI) considering the purchase of luxury assets (in particular yachts, artworks and aircraft) there are multiple factors to...more
In line with the recommendations arising from the BVI Mutual Evaluation Report and FATF (2024) Recommendation 24, the BVI Financial Services Commission has published a draft of the BVI Business Companies (Amendment) Act, 2024...more
Welcome to the Conyers BVI Corporate Review for Q3 2024. In this edition we cover the upcoming annual return filing deadlines for BVI companies, recent headline transactions, recent publications and British Virgin Islands...more
The British Virgin Islands has, as of 18 September 2024, extended the list of ‘Relevant Foreign Countries’ for the purposes of Part XIX of the BVI Insolvency Act, which governs Orders in Aid of Foreign Proceedings. These...more
Chris Duncan and Katrina Lindsay have authored the British Virgin Islands (BVI) chapter of Global Legal Insight's sixth edition guide to blockchain and cryptocurrency regulation. The chapter covers the BVI legal requirements...more
本文書では、BVIにおいてファンドが活用できる各種オプションの概要をご紹介いたします。 BVI投資ファンドは、会社、リミテッドパートナーシップまたはユニットトラストのいずれかの形態で組成することができます。BVI会社型ファンドは、オープンエンド型ファンドを設立する際に最も一般的な形態です。クローズドエンド型ファンドは、リミテッドパートナーシップの形態で設立されることが多いです。...more
The Cayman Islands remains the most popular jurisdiction for offshore investment fund set-ups. However the British Virgin Islands (BVI) offers a range of fund products worth considering. In addition, the BVI provides a...more
How does an arbitration clause, or an exclusive jurisdiction clause in favour of foreign courts, affect insolvency proceedings? The effect of an arbitration clause, or an exclusive jurisdiction clause in favour of foreign...more
When I last reviewed the themes and trends we are seeing for IPOs of Bermuda and Cayman companies from our office in Hong Kong in mid-2022, it was very much a tale of two cities. Two years later, there is little to indicate...more
The Privy Council has recently upheld a BVI judgment refusing stay of a winding up petition in favour of arbitration. The recent Sian Participation Corp (In Liquidation) v Halimeda International Ltd1 Privy Council decision...more
In a recent decision of the BVI Commercial Court, the Honourable Mr Justice Wallbank dismissed an application by the Defendants in King Bun Limited & Ors v Lau Man Sang James & Ors to set aside a previous order granting...more
The British Virgin Islands (“BVI”) are home to 361,491 active companies as of 31 December 2023. This article considers the reasons for the BVI’s popularity as a jurisdiction to structure international transactions....more
Welcome to the first edition of our Quarterly Corporate Update for 2024 covering recent developments in the British Virgin Islands. The first quarter of 2024 saw continued strong activity in the BVI office. Our corporate...more
Is it possible for a debtor company to issue debt (such as bonds) and contractually agree for that debt to rank lower in priority than debts owed by a company to other unsecured creditors? This article examines the commercial...more
In its recent judgment in Tristan Oil Ltd v The Scheme Creditors (BVIHCM 2023/0120) the BVI Commercial Court (the Hon. Justice Paul Webster (Ag.)) has considered the question of when a party not bound by a scheme of...more
In a recent judgment, CIF v (1) DLG and (2) GIY (BVIHCM2023/0050) the BVI Commercial Court (the Hon. Justice Gerhard Wallbank) has provided guidance on the procedure which it expects to be followed by applicants seeking a...more
Russell Crumpler & Christopher Farmer (as Joint Liquidators of Three Arrows Capital Ltd (in Liquidation)) v Three Arrows Capital Ltd (in Liquidation) and BVIHC (Com) 2022/0119 (unreported 26 July 2023) The BVI liquidation...more
On 5 February 2024, the Honourable Justice Paul Webster granted a restoration order (the “Order”) pursuant to section 218A of the BVI Business Companies Act (Revised Edition 2020) (as amended) (the “Act”), declaring the...more
On 8 February 2024, the Honourable Mr Justice Paul Webster KC dismissed an application to set aside a statutory demand served on Angola Group Holdings Limited (the “Company”) by Bai Jun Tian Cheng Limited (“Bai Jun”). Conyers...more
As described in more detail in our recent client bulletin, BVI companies are now required to prepare and file with their registered agent an “annual return” containing a basic balance sheet and income statement. This annual...more