Recent Developments in California Privacy Laws - The Consumer Finance Podcast
This Greenberg Traurig practice chair publishes 200+ articles a year - Legally Contented podcast
2023 New Data Privacy Requirements
Four New State Data Laws Becoming Effective in 2023
On-Demand Webinar | California Employment Law Update: Tips for Staying Compliant in 2023
#WorkforceWednesday: Speak Out Act Takes Effect, Enhanced Data Privacy Obligations for California Employers, and SEC Releases Whistleblower Annual Report - Employment Law This Week®
CCPA 2.0: What Employers Need to Know about Expiring CPRA Data Privacy Exemptions
Hinshaw Insurance Law TV – Cybersecurity Part Two: The Rise in Cyber Negligence Cases
#WorkforceWednesday: California Privacy Exemptions Set to Expire, Status of DOL Independent Contractor Rule, D.C. Non-Compete Notices Take Effect - Employment Law This Week®
Webinar Recording – Preparing for Compliance with the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA)
Data Privacy in 2022: What Businesses Need to Know About the CPRA and the New Enforcement Agency
What Happens When the California Privacy Rights Act Employment Data Exemption Expires?
State Law Privacy Video Series | Privacy and Sensitive Information
State Law Privacy Video Series | Healthcare Entities and Health Data
State Law Privacy Video Series | Employee Exemptions
State Law Privacy Video Series | Applicability
PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Trending Now: An IP Podcast - Advertising and Customer Engagement in the Digital Age - California Privacy update
On-Demand Webinar | Legislative Updates for Employers to Plan for a Successful (and Compliant) 2021
[WEBINAR] Exploring the CPRA’s Investigatory Privilege
[WEBINAR] ESI Primer for PRA Requests
First passed into law in 2018, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) received its first major update in 2020 by way of the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), through which the California Privacy Protection Agency...more
Things happen quickly in the world of data privacy. With new laws being enacted, regulations continuing to develop and enforcements an ongoing reality, we thought a brief update on recent developments in U.S. comprehensive...more
Do you know what cookies your company’s website is using? If not, you likely do not know whether your company’s website is honoring users’ data protection choices involving the use of cookies. You should know and care so your...more
On August 31, the California assembly passed SB1223, which amends the CCPA/CPRA to include “neural data” as a type of sensitive data. SB1223, which is likely to become law, defines “neural data” as “information that is...more
Maryland will soon have some of the strictest data protection and privacy requirements in the nation after the Maryland Online Data Privacy Act of 2024 (MODPA) was signed into law by Gov. Wes Moore last week....more
On January 16, 2024, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed Senate Bill (SB) 332, establishing New Jersey’s consumer data privacy law, the New Jersey Data Privacy Act (NJDPA) which will be effective January 15, 2025. This...more
The rapid spread of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in recent years has overlapped with the enactment of comprehensive privacy laws by multiple U.S. states. Aside from being generally applicable to AI systems in the...more
A California court has held that the regulations the California Privacy Protection Agency adopted in March 2023 may not be enforced until March 2024. On June 30, 2023, a day before the California Consumer Privacy Act...more
In an unexpected turn of events, a California court postponed enforcement of the new California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) regulations until March 29, 2024. The court’s final decision came at the eleventh hour on June 30,...more
Data protection assessments are required for high-risk processing activities in a rapidly growing set of federal, state, and international comprehensive privacy laws. These assessments are triggered by processing activities,...more
What is loyalty? Ask a mob boss, a Los Angeles Lakers fan and a Labrador retriever, and you might get three different answers. Ask a retailer, and they’ll likely tell you that a loyalty program can be a great tool for...more
California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020) and Related Regulations - 1798.100 General Duties of Businesses that Collect Personal Information - (a) A business that...more
In his State of the Union address on February 7, 2023, President Biden affirmed his position on consumer data privacy protections and specifically his focus on strengthening protections for children. With several state data...more
California started the process of individual U.S. states enacting individual privacy laws with its California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), which currently is in effect, as supplemented and amended by the California Consumer...more
On July 7, 2021, Colorado enacted the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA), becoming the third U.S. state to adopt a comprehensive privacy law. As previously described, the CPA doesn’t apply to everyone. Instead, it only applies to...more
On September 30, the Colorado Attorney General’s Office (“Colorado AG’s Office”) released proposed rules (the “Proposed Rules”) for the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA), which goes into effect on July 1, 2023. The Proposed Rules...more
Welcome to this month's issue of The BR Privacy & Security Download, the digital newsletter of Blank Rome’s Privacy, Security & Data Protection practice. ...more
Unless you’ve been completely disconnected from the internet for the past year, you’ve undoubtedly read about the passage of a number of state and international laws addressing privacy and cybersecurity. Does this mean that...more
Connecticut is the fifth U.S. state, and the second this year after Utah passed the Utah Consumer Privacy Act (“UCPA”), to enact a comprehensive data privacy legislation. S.B. 6, known as the Connecticut Data Privacy Act...more
On April 28, 2022, the Connecticut legislature took the final step to become very close to passing comprehensive consumer privacy legislation as the Connecticut House of Representatives voted 144-5 in favor of Senate Bill 6,...more
Just as businesses are preparing to ensure compliance with similar laws in California, Colorado, and Virginia, they soon will need to consider a fourth jurisdiction, Utah. On March 24, 2022, Governor Spencer Cox signed a...more
Keypoint: This week legislatures in Florida, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin closed without passing bills while Maryland’s bill was converted into a one-year study. Below is our ninth weekly update on the status of...more
Keypoint: The CPRA requires that businesses use certain types of sensitive personal information only for limited purposes, otherwise they must notify consumers of the additional purposes and provide consumers the opportunity...more
Part I: What Are Third-Party Cookies and Why they are Important — PART II — Privacy Laws And Third-Party Cookies - Welcome to our second installment in our five-part series preparing you for the post-cookie world. In our...more
In the last year, we continued to see a shift in the privacy landscape of the United States, including the passage of comprehensive privacy legislation in both Virginia and Colorado, while other states still have bills under...more