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Capital Assets Financial Transactions Tax Planning

ASKramer Law

Taxation of Foreign Currency Transactions Part V: Hedged Executory Contracts

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What is a hedged executory contract? A “hedged executory contract” is another type of transaction that is eligible for integration under Code Section 988(d). A hedged executory contract results when a taxpayer enters into an...more

ASKramer Law

Taxation of Foreign Currency Transactions Part IV: Hedging & Section 1.988-5(a) Debt Hedges

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Are there special hedging provisions for section 988 transactions? Yes. In addition to the business hedging rules I address in our earlier Q&A with Andie series, a special hedging provision is available at Code section 988(d)...more

ASKramer Law

Taxation of Foreign Currency Transactions Part III: Section 988 Transactions Defined, Character & Source

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Which transactions qualify as section 988 transactions? In section 988 transactions, the taxpayer makes payments or receipts denominated in or determined by reference to one or more nonfunctional currency. ...more

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