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JONES DAY TALKS®: Private Antitrust Litigation in the Netherlands
Antitrust Enforcement and Compliance Programs
Grassley: HSBC Should Face Criminal Charges
Looking ahead in 2025, we expect antitrust agencies in the U.S. and abroad to continue to prioritize enforcement against cartel conduct, which can be prosecuted criminally in the U.S. The agencies will not only continue to...more
As anticipated, cartel enforcement is ramping up at the start of 2024 and investigations relating to artificial intelligence (AI) are taking center stage. Leadership of both the broader Department of Justice (DOJ) and the...more
Absprachen im Personalbereich rücken zunehmend in den Fokus der Kartellbehörden. EU Wettbewerbskommissarin Margrethe Vestager hat jüngst am 22. Oktober 2021 in einer Rede in Rom ("A New Era of Cartel Enforcement")...more
Am 11. Oktober 2021 hat das Bundeskartellamt („BKartA“) zentrale Dokumente für seine Kartellverfolgung aktualisiert und eine Neufassung sowohl seiner Bonusregelung vom 07.03.2006 als auch seiner Bußgeldleitlinien vom...more
A new year, a new administration in the United States, and new cartel enforcement leadership in the United Kingdom have begun. In the United States, first-of-their-kind criminal charges have been brought involving labor and...more
The European Court of Justice (the "ECJ") has confirmed1 the EU General Court’s (and the European Commission’s) finding that Goldman Sachs was jointly liable for the conduct of a former subsidiary, Prysmian, which the...more
The Department of Justice Antitrust Division (DOJ) was active in 2019. At the beginning of 2019, the DOJ was preparing for trial in six matters and had 91 pending grand jury investigations. Throughout 2019, the DOJ made...more
In BritNed v ABB, the English Court of Appeal substantially reduced the UK's first award of damages in a so-called cartel damages claim brought for breach of European competition law. In so doing, the Court rejected calls for...more
The Department of Justice (DOJ) Antitrust Division announced three new investigations and several developments in its other investigations, including new investigations in the commercial flooring industry, online auctions for...more
The General Court of the European Union recently held, in Goldman Sachs v. Commission, that purely financial investors such as investment funds may be held jointly and severally liable for competition law violations...more
The European Court of Justice ("CoJ") has upheld the European Commission's use of evidence transmitted by a national authority other than a Member State competition authority in a cartel investigation. The CoJ ruled on April...more
On 20 October 2016, the Italian Council of State (the “Council of State”) upheld the judgment of the Administrative Court of Lazio (“TAR”) on the cartel in the sector of international road freight forwarding to and from Italy...more
With a judgment handed down on 12 May 2016 (Case T-669/14, Trioplast Industrier AB v. European Commission), the General Court of the European Union (GCEU) dismissed an action brought by Trioplast Industrier AB (Trioplast...more