The use of a commercial lease to rip off minority owners in a closely held business
The Informed Board Podcast | CEO Succession Planning on a Clear Day
Succession Planning to Safeguard Your Law Firm’s Future: On Record PR
Law Brief ®: Alan Gaynor and Richard Schoenstein Explore Business Divorce
Episode 8: Minority Oppression in the LLC: Interview With Professor Douglas Moll
If you’ve worked with the owners of closely held businesses for even just a few years, you have realized they are only half joking when they complain about having the government as a partner. Consider how much federal, state,...more
Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously in Connelly v. United States, that the valuation of a decedent’s shares in a closely held corporation for federal estate tax purposes must include insurance proceeds received...more
I have been a major fan of Afro-Cuban (Salsa) and Brazilian Bossa Nova music since high school. Most of you know by now that I grew up in the Panama Canal Zone. By the time I got to West Point in the summer of 1978, it was...more
On June 6, 2024, the Supreme Court held 9-to-0 in Connelly v. United States that company-owned life insurance increases the company’s fair market value for estate tax purposes, and the company’s obligation to redeem a...more
The Supreme Court’s recent decision in Thomas A. Connelly et al. v. United States has significant implications for certain closely held business owners. The decision is important especially for those with, or planning to buy,...more
Situations involving family dynamics, significant wealth, and fiduciary duties can be ripe for conflict. Disputes frequently arise among owners and managers of closely held businesses, family office constituencies, and other...more
On June 6, 2024, the United States Supreme Court issued its opinion regarding Connelly, as Executor of the Estate of Connelly v. United States. This final decision will directly impact all closely held business owners that...more
The Supreme Court of the United States issued an important ruling on June 6, 2024, clarifying the federal tax consequences of certain succession plans for closely held businesses. The Court held in Connelly v. United States,...more
All U.S. closely held businesses just received a warning from the highest court in the land that they should review their succession plans (or else risk a higher tax bill for the estates of their owners). On June 6, 2024, the...more
On June 6, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court, in Connelly v. United States, unanimously agreed that life insurance proceeds owned by a closely-held company should be included in the valuation of the company in determining the...more
Jeff Faulkner, co-founder of the International Succession Planning Association, speaks about the challenges that arise when transferring ownership of a business to the next generation. In the video, he points out the...more
Depending upon what you read or, perhaps more accurately, depending upon how much you believe of what you read, you may be aware that many closely held businesses are concerned about their future. Most of these survived...more
This is The End- I have dreaded the year end for as long as I can remember. As a teenager and then as a young adult I associated the final quarter of the year, and especially the period beginning on Thanksgiving and...more
In matters of corporate divorce, deadlock, majority oppression, or usurpation of corporate opportunities are all well-tread grounds for disputes between co-owners of closely held entities. These disputes often culminate in...more
Injunctions are an indispensable weapon in the business divorce lawyer’s arsenal. Primarily defensive in nature, temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions tend to feature prominently at the outset of business...more
Estate Tax – It’s a Killer- One of the reasons often given for eliminating the estate tax is the substantial economic burden it places upon the estate of a deceased business owner and upon the business itself. Specifically,...more
Over the past three seasons, fans of the hit HBO series Succession have had an entrée into the fabulous lifestyles enjoyed by members of the Roy family and a front-row seat from which to observe the myriad succession...more
Don’t Be Unreasonable- Much has been written of late regarding the payment by a business of various personal expenses incurred by its owner or certain key employees. The payment of an owner’s personal expenses appears to...more
The emergence of the Limited Liability Company as the preferred form of closely-held business association in New York has spawned a glut of litigation over disputed membership status in LLCs, many of which are covered in the...more
Longtime readers of this blog may recall a post I wrote three years ago titled Minority Shareholder Oppression in the #MeToo Era. The post highlighted an apparent first-of-its-kind decision in a judicial dissolution case...more
The seven-year anniversary of the Texas Supreme Court’s decision in Ritchie v. Rupee has come and gone, and the court’s holding from 2014 remains the law: Minority shareholders in Texas private companies do not have a cause...more
Counting the Days?- We are 302 days away from the national mid-term elections, to be held November 8, 2022, yet the first full week of the new year has already highlighted some of the economic issues with which the...more
“I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress.” – Pres. Ronald Regan- That line probably describes the exasperation with which many Americans...more
Haste Makes Waste? How many of you are suffering from Build Back Better Fatigue? Seriously, it’s a thing. Sure, the House passed its version of the President’s tax and spending bill on November 19, and the Senate...more
It is an old saw that partners, co-venturers, and insiders to closely held businesses owe fiduciary duties of loyalty and due care when dealing with one another. Importantly, these fiduciary duties modify the common law of...more