The use of a commercial lease to rip off minority owners in a closely held business
The Informed Board Podcast | CEO Succession Planning on a Clear Day
Succession Planning to Safeguard Your Law Firm’s Future: On Record PR
Law Brief ®: Alan Gaynor and Richard Schoenstein Explore Business Divorce
Episode 8: Minority Oppression in the LLC: Interview With Professor Douglas Moll
Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously in Connelly v. United States, that the valuation of a decedent’s shares in a closely held corporation for federal estate tax purposes must include insurance proceeds received...more
With the looming elections, tax planners have taken time to consider what the future of Estate and Gift Tax planning might be under the new Congress. Every new Congress considers changes to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,...more
In Connelly vs. United States (602 U.S. 257, June 6, 2024), the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that in a redemption of a deceased shareholder’s shares of stock, the corporation’s fair market value should include the proceeds...more
Most closely held businesses, whether organized as a C or S corporation, LLC or partnership, have (or should have) a buy-sell agreement. A buy-sell agreement addresses what happens to an owner’s interest in the business when...more
On June 6, 2024, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a unanimous decision in Connelly v. United States and found that life-insurance proceeds payable to a closely held business for the purpose of funding a share...more
On June 6, 2024, the Supreme Court held 9-to-0 in Connelly v. United States that company-owned life insurance increases the company’s fair market value for estate tax purposes, and the company’s obligation to redeem a...more
Many closely held businesses have shareholder buy/sell redemption agreements. These agreements are critical to maintaining business continuity when a key shareholder exits the company. When the redemption agreement is...more
Connelly v. Internal Revenue Service is a landmark SCOTUS decision that will impact business owners, partners, shareholders, members, and professional practitioners from a business perspective, succession planning, as well as...more
On June 6, 2024 the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that life insurance proceeds should be included in the fair market valuation of a corporation for federal estate tax purposes. In Connelly v. United States, the Supreme...more
In the recent case, Connelly v. United States, 602 U.S. (2024) (slip op.) the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that life insurance proceeds received by a closely held corporation which is used to fund the redemption of a...more
In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court of the United States recently determined in Connelly v. U.S. that the value of a life insurance policy must be included in the fair market value of a closely held business for...more
You may have heard or even read about the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision regarding the date of death value of a deceased shareholder’s shares in a closely held corporation that owned a life insurance policy on the...more
Amidst many recent sharply divided decisions, the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) on June 6, 2024 issued a rare unanimous ruling in Connelly v. United States, which addressed estate tax considerations relative to...more
The United States Supreme Court (Supreme Court) released the Connelly v. United States opinion on June 6, 2024. The opinion affirmed the Eighth Circuit's holding in favor of the IRS that a company's contractual redemption...more
On June 6, 2024, in the case of Connelly v. United States, the United States Supreme Court determined that corporate-owned life insurance proceeds used to redeem a decedent’s shares in the corporation must be included when...more
On June 6, 2024, the United States Supreme Court issued its opinion regarding Connelly, as Executor of the Estate of Connelly v. United States. This final decision will directly impact all closely held business owners that...more
The Supreme Court has just weighed in on how gift and estate taxes apply with respect to non-cash gifts in Estate of Connelly v. United States. The Court’s opinion closely follows the economics of such arrangements, but...more
The Supreme Court of the United States issued an important ruling on June 6, 2024, clarifying the federal tax consequences of certain succession plans for closely held businesses. The Court held in Connelly v. United States,...more
In Connelly v. US, 602 US ___ (6/6/2024), the US Supreme Court affirmed a decision of the US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in favor of the government concerning the estate tax treatment of life insurance proceeds...more
All U.S. closely held businesses just received a warning from the highest court in the land that they should review their succession plans (or else risk a higher tax bill for the estates of their owners). On June 6, 2024, the...more
In a landmark decision, the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Connelly v. United States will require closely-held business owners to reconsider their current buy-sell arrangement in order to avoid additional federal estate...more
A recent Supreme Court decision means that owners of closely held companies with company-owned life insurance policies should take extra precautions to avoid an unexpectedly large estate tax bill from the IRS....more
The June 6 unanimous ruling by the United States Supreme Court in Connelly v. United States creates a significant change for closely held businesses planning to utilize life insurance proceeds to fund buy-sell agreements....more
In matters of corporate divorce, deadlock, majority oppression, or usurpation of corporate opportunities are all well-tread grounds for disputes between co-owners of closely held entities. These disputes often culminate in...more
It’s not enough for the founder of a closely held business to have successfully established the business. The business has to grow, not only to increase profits, but also to make it more competitive and to diversify its...more