News & Analysis as of

Collaboration Construction Contracts


FIDIC Contracts - Conference, Carbon Clauses and Collaborative Contracting


In this Insight, first published in PLC, Natalie Wardle reflects on the FIDIC International Contract Users' Conference 2024 held in London in December and the new contracts and standard clauses that FIDIC is currently working...more

Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP

Progressive Design-Build Model and Co-Development Agreements in Canada: Five Key Considerations

Whether public or private, large infrastructure projects involve complex risk and resource management. Project owners must first identify, describe and mitigate design, construction, financing and operational risks, and then...more

Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP

How Can We Overcome Material Procurement and Delivery Risks in Our Industry? (Properties Magazine)

Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP on

At the most basic level, contracts serve to assign, allocate, and mitigate risk. Parties—unsurprisingly—are typically unwilling to adopt greater risk than required, and often look to assign most of the risk to the other...more

Gould + Ratner LLP

COVID-19, A New President and Economic Uncertainty: What to Expect in the Construction Industry in 2021

Gould + Ratner LLP on

...Construction industry forecasts are difficult in a “normal year” (remember those?), let alone a year following a global pandemic. The fact that the pandemic is not yet in the rearview mirror coupled with: (1) the election...more

Gould + Ratner LLP

Best Practices for Coping With Project Modifications, Suspension and Termination During the Age of COVID-19

Gould + Ratner LLP on

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, owners and developers find themselves facing the prospect of continued project disruptions. While almost every governmental shutdown order has allowed construction activities to continue as...more

Pierce Atwood LLP

Should You Use Integrated Project Delivery on Your Next Construction Project?

Pierce Atwood LLP on

Complex construction projects have many moving parts and numerous stakeholders.  Each project often contains its own unique challenges and obstacles.  Finding the right solution does not often come by trying to utilize a...more

Troutman Pepper Locke

Risks of BIM

Troutman Pepper Locke on

When building information modeling (BIM) technology first gained widespread use, commentators warned of new legal risks posed by the information sharing and collaboration essential to the process. Contractors and designers...more

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