Consumer Finance Monitor Podcast Episode: Regulators Escalate Focus on the Risks of Bank Relationships with Fintechs and Other Third Parties
DE Under 3: OFCCP Resurrects Proposal for Monthly CC-257 Employment Utilization Reports for Construction Contractors
DE Under 3: Updated EEOC COVID-19 Technical Assistance Guidance, Case Decision & Wage & Hour Division Proposed Rule
Digital Assets Regulation Framework: Commerce Solicits Public Comment
DE Under 3: EEOC & DOJ Technical Guidance for Employer’s AI Use; Upcoming EEOC Hearing; Event for Mental Health in the Workplace
Comment Deadline Approaching: Proposed Amendments Restricting Use of Prop 65 Short-Form Warnings
2BInformed: The Future of Fluoride in Drinking Water, the New TSCA Fees Rule, and the Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List 5
Recent Actions on Ag Biotech by EPA’s Emerging Technologies Branch
III-44- A Little Help From The DOL
[WEBINAR] Laying the Foundation for Maximizing Benefits Around Emerging Technologies
[WEBINAR] Fairly (or Unfairly?) Traceable: Are Discharges Through Groundwater Subject to the Clean Water Act?
Episode 014: Business Divorce Stories: Business Appraiser Tony Cotrupe and Attorney Jeff Eilender
On March 7, the CFPB announced a comment period extension for its advance NPRM addressing concerns related to information about coerced debt (i.e., where individuals are manipulated into incurring debt without their consent)...more
On December 9, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or Bureau) announced the launch of a rulemaking process addressing credit reporting on survivors of domestic violence, elder abuse, and other forms of financial...more
The FTC has extended by 30 days the deadline for submitting comments on its proposed “Rule on Unfair or Deceptive Fees” targeting what the FTC refers to as “junk fees.” The new comment deadline is February 7, 2024....more
Fifteen trade groups have joined in a letter to the CFPB requesting an extension of the comment period on the CFPB’s proposed rulemaking on personal financial data rights. The proposal implements Section 1033 of the...more