6 Things To Consider Before Litigation
The Justice Insiders Podcast - Demystifying Sentences for White Collar Crimes: What's Next for SBF
How to Prevent Executives from Saying the Wrong Thing When Testifying
The ABCs of Employee Theft [More With McGlinchey Ep. 7]
Balado Continuité – Audiences 2.0 : défis et solutions en litige commercial
By now, attorneys practicing in the Fifth Circuit should know that if a case is in federal court on the basis of diversity jurisdiction, they must ensure that the record supports the diversity of citizenship requirement, lest...more
Prior LLC Jungle posts have addressed the tricky issue of LLC managerial authority in the context of the LLC’s dealings with third parties... As referenced in those posts, under Corporations Code section 17703.01, when an...more
In Soroban Capital Partners, LP v. Commissioner, the U.S. Tax Court determined that the exception to net earnings from self-employment in Section 1402(a)(13) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”) ...more
When a closely-held business is profitable, self-interested owners naturally want a bigger slice of the pie, especially where the personal relationships among the owners are frayed. Perhaps that’s why we often discuss the...more
I recently had the privilege of speaking to an audience of judges of the New York Supreme Court Commercial Division at Fordham Law School’s Eileen Bransten Institute on Complex Commercial Litigation. Naturally, the topic was...more
In an earlier post, I offered a broader-than-usual overview of certain key rights that a minority owner holds in a closely-held business: the right to vote on company action, the right to inspect books and records, the right...more