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Complex Litigation


Chess, Not Checkers: Data Collection Strategies in Complex Litigation

Cimplifi on

Understanding data sources before complex litigation begins is essential to address the challenges associated with data preservation and collection. Complex cases often involve large volumes of data from a diverse set of...more

EDRM - Electronic Discovery Reference Model

The Final Challenge: How GenAI Crafted BP’s “Impossible” Closing Argument

Over the past few months, we’ve been exploring how generative AI can transform trial preparation by analyzing complex litigation materials and producing sophisticated closing arguments. Our series began with an exploration of...more

Greenberg Glusker LLP

[Webinar] Defending Truth in Advertising: Strategies for Combatting False Advertising and Trademark Claims - March 25th, 10:00 am...

Greenberg Glusker LLP on

This one-hour CLE session focuses on defending against false advertising and trademark claims, providing practical strategies for brand owners facing allegations of misleading advertising or trademark infringement. The...more

Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP

Amended Florida Rules of Civil Procedure Now in Effect

The start of the new year has brought changes to Florida’s civil practice. In June 2024, the Florida Supreme Court issued proposed amendments to the state’s Rules of Civil Procedure, which we covered here. After the comment...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Podcast - Cutting Back on Complex Cases

Holland & Knight LLP on

In this episode of his "The Trial Lawyer's Handbook" podcast series, litigation attorney Dan Small emphasizes the need for lawyers to simplify complex cases when preparing for trial. He advises practitioners to critically...more

Morris James LLP

Failure to Maintain Legal Hold Leads to Spoliation, Sanctions, and Fee Shifting in Delaware Superior Court CCLD

Morris James LLP on

Huntsman Int'l, LLC v. Benelux, C.A. No. N17C-11-242 MAA CCLD (Del. Super. Ct. Aug. 13, 2024). In the age of big data, discovery can extend beyond traditional documents and communications to myriad tools and databases....more

EDRM - Electronic Discovery Reference Model

Modernizing Florida Litigation: The 2025 Civil Procedure Rule Overhaul

On January 1, 2025, major changes to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure took effect, transforming how civil cases are managed, litigated, and resolved. Rooted in four landmark Florida Supreme Court decisions issued in 2024,...more


Chess, Not Checkers: Key Elements of Effective Complex Litigation Management

Cimplifi on

If you’re a game player, you know that checkers and chess – despite being played on the same board – are totally different games. In checkers, the moves are relatively simple and straightforward, with limited variation – you...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

The Commercial Division Proposes a Monetary Threshold for Equitable and Declaratory Relief: Implications and Insights

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

One of the ongoing goals of the New York State Office of Court Administration (“OCA”) is to periodically update and refine the jurisdictional criteria for the Commercial Division to ensure that it exclusively handles complex...more

EDRM - Electronic Discovery Reference Model

Using Generative AI to Create Compelling Closing Arguments in Complex Litigation

In our recent article “Understanding GenAI Response Limits: What Every Legal Professional Should Know,” we explored how legal professionals can overcome the traditional length limitations of Large Language Models that...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP

Administrative Judge Sides with Leachco in Action Against CPSC

Leachco, a small family-owned business in Oklahoma that manufactures and sells infant lounging products, recently won a rarely litigated issue against CPSC. In July 2024, an administrative law judge (ALJ) denied relief sought...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

The NYSBA’s Efforts to Boost Legal Revenue and Business in New York

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

Here at New York Commercial Division Practice, we make a point of highlighting the advantages of practicing in the Commercial Division.  For example, in Have Commercial Dispute, Will Travel (to New York) | New York Commercial...more

Association of Certified E-Discovery...

Understanding the Dominant Purpose Test for Determining Whether Privilege Applies

In complex litigation, understanding when a document is protected by attorney-client privilege can be challenging, especially when privilege issues arise in multidistrict litigation (MDL) like the In re Uber Technologies,...more


How Do You Tame Your Complex Litigation? Process Is Key

Lighthouse on

Summary: MDLs and other complex litigations are high-stakes and full of risk. Discover how an innovative process can streamline your approach, minimizing the chance for key information to slip. Modern data volumes make the...more

Association of Certified E-Discovery...

[Webinar] Negotiating the Scope of E-Discovery: Proportionality and Pre-Trial Preparation in Complex Litigation - November 1st,...

As the cost associated with e-discovery continues to rise, the focus on proportionality has become much more common. This presentation will offer best practices for engaging in proportionality discussions and successfully...more

Maison Law

Liability in Fatal Trucking Accidents in California

Maison Law on

Accidents involving large commercial trucks often lead to complex legal processes. The most complicated aspect of a fatal truck accident is identifying the person or company responsible for it. Depending on the details of the...more

Goldberg Segalla

Rise of Transportation Contractors Leading to Complex Coverage Litigation

Goldberg Segalla on

The post-Covid influence over the “gig economy” has led to an expansion of self-employed or by-the-job employed individuals in the delivery and transportation industry. CDL jobs have proven they are not immune to this...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

New Jersey Releases New Chapter 11 Complex Procedures and Other Rule Updates

Fox Rothschild LLP on

Pursuant to the New Jersey Bankruptcy Court’s (the “Court”) annual rule making cycle, the Court implemented various changes to the New Jersey Local Rules and Local Forms, which became effective on August 1, 2024. ...more

Mayer Brown

I Shall (Not) Be Released: With Purdue Pharma Decision, US Supreme Court Remakes Chapter 11 Landscape

Mayer Brown on

They say every man needs protection, they say that every man must fall. For over 40 years, “the bankruptcy community has recognized the resolution of mass tort claims as a widely accepted core function of bankruptcy courts,”...more

Association of Certified E-Discovery...

[Webinar] The Future of Communication, Advocacy, and Judicial Preferences in an Era of AI-Powered Litigation - June 7th, 2:00 pm...

ACEDS invites you to join a panel of leaders in a discussion about the future of communication, advocacy, and judicial preferences in AI-empowered litigation. The participants will discuss...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Nobody Beats the Biz: The ACC’s Advocacy for Commercial Courts

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

Here at New York Commercial Division Practice, my colleagues and I have waxed poetic about New York’s Commercial Division, the nation’s first general trial court devoted exclusively to business litigation, by repeatedly...more

Association of Certified E-Discovery...

Back to eDiscovery Basics: Are Your Legal Hold and Preservation Processes Subject to Discovery?

In the realm of litigation, the management of electronically stored information (ESI) is a pivotal component that can significantly influence the trajectory and outcome of a case. The recent ruling in Doe LS 340 v. Uber...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Help, I Need to Get My Case into the Commercial Division!! Transfer and Determinations by the Administrative Judge

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

As one can easily glean, we here at the New York Commercial Division Practice Blog view New York’s Commercial Division as the heartbeat of business litigation in the United States.  So, we think getting your business...more

IMS Legal Strategies

The Increasing Role Of Cybersecurity Experts In Complex Legal Disputes

IMS Legal Strategies on

The testimonies and guidance of expert witnesses have been known to play a significant role in high-stakes legal matters, whether it be the opinion of a clinical psychiatrist in a homicide case or that of a career IP analyst...more

Proskauer - Minding Your Business

AI Got It Wrong, Doesn’t Mean We Are Right: Practical Considerations for the Use of Generative AI for Commercial Litigators

Picture this: You’ve just been retained by a new client who has been named as a defendant in a complex commercial litigation. While the client has solid grounds to be dismissed from the case at an early stage via a...more

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