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Compliance Private Equity Firms Portfolio Companies

Compliance programs typically refer to formalized institutional procedures within corporations and organizations to detect, prevent and respond to indvidual and widespread instances of regulatory violations. ... more +
Compliance programs typically refer to formalized institutional procedures within corporations and organizations to detect, prevent and respond to indvidual and widespread instances of regulatory violations.  In response to many corporate scandals evidencing rampant unethical business practices, many nations, including the United States, began passing strict regulatory frameworks aimed at curbing these abuses. Notable pieces of legislation in this area include the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), and the U.K. Bribery Act, to name a few. The foregoing statutes and the severe penalties often associated with them form the basis of many modern institutional compliance programs. less -
Latham & Watkins LLP

Investor Directors in the Hot Seat as Enforcement Risk Grows

Latham & Watkins LLP on

Greater focus on strong corporate governance and transparency is placing company directors in the UK and elsewhere under growing scrutiny and increased risk of individual civil and criminal liability. As new case law and...more


Whistleblower Lawyers Use False Claims Act to Target Private Equity Firms Invested In Healthcare and Life Sciences

Goodwin on

Recent developments demonstrate that sponsor-backed companies in the healthcare and life sciences sectors, and in some instances private equity firms and professionals, have entered a new era of heightened regulatory scrutiny...more

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

Developments Highlight Secondary Liability Risks for Private Funds

DOJ settlement signals need for enhanced False Claims Act scrutiny. Private funds continue to face heightened secondary liability risks arising from their portfolio investments....more

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