News & Analysis as of

Consent Banking Sector

Kaufman & Canoles

Be Warned: Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss Overdraft Fee Claims Denied

Kaufman & Canoles on

Claims of unfair overdraft fees continue although it seems the media has taken a break from talking about them. A recent federal case in Virginia ruled in favor of all the Plaintiff’s counts and denied the Defendant’s Motion...more


CFPB Issues Guidance Emphasizing the Importance for Banks to Maintain Sufficient Proof of Customers’ Affirmative Consent to...

Goodwin on

In recent discussions surrounding banking practices, the issue of overdraft fees, particularly for ATM and one-time debit card transactions, has gained significant attention....more

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

CFPB warns against collecting on overdraft services without explicit consumer consent

On September 17, the CFPB published a circular clarifying that banks and credit unions can violate the EFTA and Regulation E if they cannot prove that consumers agreed to be enrolled in overdraft services before being charged...more

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

FDIC Issues Consent Order Against Tennessee Bank

On January 30, a Tennessee-based community bank entered into a consent order with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. following the agency’s allegations that the Bank engaged in unsafe or unsound banking practices relating to...more

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,...

Congress Eases Criminal Offense Restrictions for Employment With Financial Institutions

Included in the defense spending bill signed by President Biden in December 2022 is a section with key provisions for financial institutions that will ease restrictions on hiring candidates with criminal records....more

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Open Banking: Navigating the Emerging Regulatory Landscape

Open banking is an important driver of the fintech revolution. Regulators have recognised open banking as a means of introducing competition and innovation in the banking sector. Likewise, fintechs are seizing the...more

Carlton Fields

Real Property & Title Insurance Update: Week Ending August 11, 2017

Carlton Fields on

REAL PROPERTY UPDATE - Foreclosure/Short Sale/Statute of Limitations: Florida Statute section 95.11(5)(h)’s one year statute of limitations period does not apply to bar Bank’s cause of action for deficiency judgment arising...more

Bennett Jones LLP

Implied Consent under Privacy Law Reconsidered

Bennett Jones LLP on

The federal private sector privacy regime operates on a consent basis. Unless an exception is applicable consent is needed to collect, use or disclose personal information of another. That consent can be express or implied....more

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