News & Analysis as of

Consent Prior Express Consent Lead Generators

Womble Bond Dickinson

Loper Blight: 11th Circuit Vacates FCC Lead Generator “One-to-One” and “Logically/Topically Related” Consent Provisions

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In yet a third setback for the FCC since the Supreme Court’s Loper Bright opinion eliminating Chevron deference, the 11th Circuit last Friday in Insurance Marketing Coalition Limited v. FCC, vacated two TCPA consent...more

Womble Bond Dickinson

FCC TCPA One-to-One Lead Generator Consent Rule in Effect January 27, 2025

Womble Bond Dickinson on

In January 2024, the FCC adopted a Report and Order that closed the so-called “lead generator loophole,” and also included a number of new consent-related requirements....more

Womble Bond Dickinson

FCC Adopts New TCPA Rules Expanding Consumer Consent Revocation Mandates

Womble Bond Dickinson on

The FCC has adopted a Report and Order imposing a number of new TCPA caller and sender compliance obligations in connection with consumer revocation requests, which are applicable to calls and text messages that otherwise...more

Hinch Newman LLP

Lead Generation Industry Turned Upside Down: Proposed FCC Rule Requires Consent Must be Secured From a Single Seller at a Time

Hinch Newman LLP on

One of the key issues relating to the NPRM pertains to consent being sent directly to/obtained by one seller at a time. The FCC has now circulated its proposed rule. It has not been adopted yet but it looks like it will be...more

Venable LLP

FTC Settlements with Lead Generators Offer Roadmap for Consumer Consent and Telemarketing Pitfalls to Avoid

Venable LLP on

Marketers and lead generators have new guidance in the form of enforcement orders on what the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) appears to consider required practice when obtaining consumer consent prior to the sale, transfer,...more


Spring Cleaning: FCC Modifies TCPA Regulations to Block “Likely” Illegal Text Messages and Considers Further Action On “Lead...

Benesch on

On March 17, 2023, the FCC issued a Report and Order adopting final rules that require mobile wireless providers to block certain text messages to their subscribers. The FCC also issued a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking...more

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