TCPA Trends: 2024 Year-in-Review and 2025 Predictions — The Consumer Finance Podcast
Legal Alert | Wiretap Laws in the United States
Anti-Wiretap Class Actions Against Website Operators Surge, but Proper Consent Can Reduce Risk
Inside Privacy Law: The Regulation of Personal Data
CF on Cyber: An Update on the Florida Security of Communications Act (FSCA)
JONES DAY PRESENTS®: AI: Security and Privacy Risks with Big Data
JONES DAY PRESENTS® The Impact of Digital Health on Research and Clinical Trials
Data Privacy Legislation: Part 1
Compliance Perspectives: Healthcare Compliance at the Border
#BigIdeas2020: Facial Recognition Technology and Employer Compliance - Employment Law This Week® - Trending News
M&As – Novation and Recertification
Podcast - Credit Funds: A Framework for Addressing and Mitigating Conflicts of Interest
The Evolution of Informed Consent in U.S. Courts
In In re Illinois National Insurance Co., the Texas Supreme Court held that disclaiming insurers were not bound by any underlying settlement agreement, entered into without the insurers’ consent, where the claimants promised...more
In Monster Energy Co. v. Schechter, 7 Cal.5th 781, 792 (2019) the California Supreme Court was tasked with determining “whether counsel’s signature approving a [settlement] agreement as to form and content for his clients’...more
California Adds Biometric Restrictions to Data-Breach Law, Potentially Creating a De Facto Biometric Privacy Law Subject to the governor’s signature, California’s breach-notification law will gain additional requirements...more
Attorneys often sign settlement agreements under the words "approved as to form" or "approved as to form and content". In signing the settlement agreement, an attorney may not expect to be bound by the settlement, but should...more
Maine Bill Requires ISPs to Obtain Opt-In Consent from Customers - The Maine legislature has passed a bill that requires internet service providers (ISPs) operating in Maine to obtain express, affirmative consent from...more