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Construction Litigation


Briefcase 2025 Quarter 1: Key Real Estate Cases and Updates


Case 1: Handston Investments Limited v Abri Group Limited - The court refused to grant an interim injunction to pause construction that would significantly interfere with a neighbour’s rights to light. Instead, the Court...more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

How Can an Owner Discharge a Mechanic's Lien After It Expires?

Mechanic's liens, once filed, must be enforced by the lien claimant filing a lawsuit to foreclose on the lien. In California, the time for enforcement of a lien is 90 days; in Oregon it is 120 days. In Washington, a lien...more


Breaking Down the Walls: A Series on Construction Delay Claims (Part 4 of 6)

Ankura on

In the fast-paced world of construction, delays and disruption can pose significant challenges to project success. In this Breaking Down the Walls series, Gary Brummer, a partner at Margie Strub Construction Law LLP, and...more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Washington Court of Appeals Reaffirms General Contractors' Duty To Maintain Safe Jobsite

If a general contractor thinks its responsibility for ensuring a safe workplace extends only to its own employees, that belief is mistaken. In a recent case, the Washington Court of Appeals made clear that as long as a...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Don’t Be a Junkyard Dog: Put Your Agreements in Writing!

A federal judge in Louisiana has dished out some harsh criticism of contractors who don’t reduce their contracts to writing. The case involves the decommissioning of 26 orphaned oil and gas wells near Baton Rouge. The...more

Womble Bond Dickinson

[Webinar] Early Warning Signs that Your Construction Project is Heading in the Wrong Direction: Lessons Learned from Troubled...

Womble Bond Dickinson on

Complex construction projects are never easy, particularly for project owners not used to the construction process. Disputes over costs overruns and delays are unfortunately the norm, and if not addressed quickly, can consume...more

Offit Kurman

Future of Pennsylvania’s Construction Statute of Repose Hinges on Pennsylvania Supreme Court Ruling

Offit Kurman on

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court will decide a pivotal case that could significantly impact the construction industry and the application of the state’s construction Statute of Repose. Aloia v. Diamant raises key questions...more

MG+M The Law Firm

Disputes on Major Subsurface Projects: Sources, and the Promise of Early Contractor Involvement

MG+M The Law Firm on

Disputes are inherent on major subsurface projects. Typically, these disputes arise out of differing subsurface conditions and disagreements about the roles, responsibilities, and risks of the various project participants in...more


Building Safety Act: New TCC Case on Building Information Orders


Section 130 of the Building Safety Act 2022 (BSA) allows the High Court to make building liability orders (BLO) if it considers it just and equitable to do so.  Section 132 allows the court to make an information order to...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Federal Court Emphasizes Strict Adherence to Mechanic's Lien Statute

A federal judge in New York served up a good reminder last week about the importance of dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s when it comes to perfecting a mechanic’s lien.  The case involves a payment dispute between a...more

Hogan Lovells

Knowledge is power – UK Building Safety Act: information orders and building liability orders

Hogan Lovells on

The Technology and Construction Court has handed down judgment in BDW Trading Limited v Ardmore Construction Limited and others. The judgment confirms that, while a building liability order (which passes liability to an...more

Mayer Brown

Legal Developments in Construction Law: February 2025

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1. COURT UNTANGLES CONSTRUCTION ACT PAYMENT NOTICE PUZZLES - A subcontract dispute required the court to rule on the validity of a payment notice, and a payless notice, under a JCT 2016 design and build subcontract, with...more


Government Issues Model Adjudication Documents


On 10 February 2025, the Development Bureau (“DEVB”) issued a suite of model adjudication documents (“Model Documents”), including a set of model adjudication rules (“Model Rules”)....more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals Restrictively Interprets Standard Government Release Language

The ASBCA restrictively interpreted standard release language in a government modification. In the Sauer Construction case, ambiguous release language couldn't bar a remediation claim, highlighting the need for clear...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Is It Defamatory to Call Your Contractor a Crook and a Con Man?

Not according to a decision from a federal court in Ohio. The case involves a landscaping project at a hillside home in Cincinnati. The property overlooks the Ohio River, but like many projects that become cases, it ended up...more

Gray Reed

Lien and Bond Claims in March 2025: Dates to Remember

Gray Reed on

Use this guide as a reference when filing lien and bond claim notices for the month of March. Be sure to subscribe to the Texas Construction Law Blog to automatically receive our monthly lien and bond guides, as well as other...more

Gray Reed

Disrupted Operations – Owners Beware! – Part 2 (DAMAGES)

Gray Reed on

Liquidated damages are intended to provide predictability to the owner and contractor as to the financial consequence of not completing a project in a timely manner. Since liquidated damages are intended to compensate the...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Mistake No. 8 of the Top 10 Horrible, No-Good Mistakes Construction Lawyers Make: Know the Benefits and Perils of a Privately...

I have practiced law for 40 years with the vast majority as a “construction” lawyer. I have seen great… and bad… construction lawyering, both when representing a party and when serving over 300 times as a mediator or...more


Adjudication and Insolvency: Interface of Two Statutory Regimes Affecting the Construction Industry


Adjudication has become a key tool in the construction industry, helping employers and contractors resolve disputes quickly and keep cash flowing on projects. But when insolvency enters the picture, things can get tricky —...more


The Complexities of Construction Dispute Resolution, Part I: Statutory Adjudication


While disputes can occur in any type of commercial transaction, construction contains a unique mix of “ingredients” that increase the likelihood that disputes will arise. Whereas most commercial transactions involve only a...more

Snell & Wilmer

Recent Colorado Appeals Court Decision Provides Further Guidance on the Colorado Economic Loss Rule Doctrine

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In the recent decision of Veolia Water Tech., Inc. v. Antero Treatment LLC, 2024 COA 126 (Colo. App. 2024), the Colorado Court of Appeals addressed the “murky” application of the economic loss rule to the intentional tort of...more


Building Safety Act: Application of the “just and Equitable” Test for Remediation Contribution Orders


Section 124 of the Building Safety Act allows the First Tier Tribunal to make remediation contribution orders (“RCOs”) where it considers it “just and equitable” to do so....more

Snell & Wilmer

Arbitration Lessons From a Arizona Recent Case, Chayce Concrete, LLC v. Path Construction Southwest, LLC

Snell & Wilmer on

In Chayce Concrete, LLC v. Path Construction Southwest, LLC, the Arizona Court of Appeals reaffirmed Arizona courts’ deference to arbitrators when it comes to confirming an arbitrator’s award. The opinion further highlights...more

Frantz Ward LLP

Oral Contract and Invalid Lien Spell Trouble for Contractor

Frantz Ward LLP on

Speedy Maintenance, LLC v. Windsor Tower, LLC, 2024-Ohio-5841 (2d Dist.) is a recent case concerning a dispute over repairs to a parking garage where Ohio’s Second District Court of Appeals confronted issues....more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

General Contractor Defeats Owner’s Notice Argument and Prevails in Seattle Condo Dispute

The Washington Court of Appeals recently affirmed a jury verdict and $30 million judgment for general contractor Skanska. The case involves the construction of the 41-story Nexus condominium tower in downtown Seattle. As is...more

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